Monday, July 29, 2019

Enterprise Group Policy for Security Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Enterprise Group Policy for Security - Lab Report Example d access to local administrative includes the following: Modification of any registry setting, modification permissions on any file or folder, modification of any settings of the system, including setting stored in files in the system folder and many others. Allowing users to run as administrators can lead to potential security attacks and breaches (Dean 97). From control panel right click on local groups and users and from the menu, click on new-local group and from the dialogue box that appears, into the group text box type administrators, then select â€Å"remove the current user† check box. Then select apply (Dean 107). It is essential to reset the administrator password since the user had the privileges of an administrative before restricting them from the local administrators group. If the password is reset simultaneously with the extraction of user account the user may never have a chance alter or know the new local administrator password (Thilagam 79). From the control panel right click on groups and local users. On the menu select new-local user and from the dialogue box that appears into the user name text box type in administrator then into password text box type in new password and confirm in password confirm text box. Then select apply (Thilagam 99). User account control (UAC) offers a chance to facilitate security of the computer when an administrator and a user are logged in. It enhances protection against any virus or application that tries to write to protected/restricted areas of the computer (Rocha 123). Computer security is in a local network is very essential since it prevents both the computers and the user or administrator. The GPOs are in the frontline to ensure that the computers are fully protected against viruses and alteration of system files and folders by the

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