Wednesday, July 31, 2019

The Human Heart

The human heart is slightly bigger than the size of ones fist. It is situated at a very safe place which is between the cage bones, i.e., in the center of the chest. Usually it is slightly on the left side of the chest but in rare cases, it can be found on the right side. Heart is responsible for the blood flow to every single part of the body by constant contraction and relaxation of cardiac muscles. This is the reason why we hear rhythmic beats all the time. Heart pumps the pure blood to the different parts of the body and then takes the deoxygenated blood from all the parts to the lungs for oxygenation. Normally in a minute the heart beats 72 times. Well, let's check out heart diagram for kids as well as for adults which can help you to understand the functioning of heart better. Parts of the Heart As you can see in the heart diagram, there are many parts in the heart. So, as we discuss the various parts, you keep checking out the parts simultaneously one by one in the given labeled diagram of the human heart. This will help you to understand the part and their functions more easily. Pericardium Human heart is covered by a double layered structure which is called as pericardium. The outer layer is associated with the major blood vessels whereas the inner layer is attached to the cardiac muscles. These layers are separated by a pericardial fluid. This covering is like a membrane which holds all the parts of the heart. Chambers Heart is divided into four chambers which are called as left atrium, left ventricle, right atrium and right ventricle. Atrium are the upper chambers of the heart whereas ventricles are the lower chambers of the heart. All these chambers are separated by a tissue layer, called as septum. Left side of the chamber is associated with the circulation of the oxygenated blood and the right side receives the deoxygenated blood from various parts of the body. Valves There are four valves in the heart namely bicuspid valve, tricuspid valve, pulmonary valve and aortic valve. They help in preventing the back flow of the blood from one chamber to other. This maintains a proper one directional blood flow through out the process. Bicuspid valve is present between the left atrium and left ventricle whereas tricuspid valve is present between the right atrium and right ventricle. Pulmonary valve behaves as a gate which stops the back flow of blood from right ventricle to the pulmonary artery which takes the deoxygenated blood to the lungs for purification. Lastly the aortic valve, this valve plays an important role in stopping the back flow of the blood from left ventricle to the aorta. Once the blood is transferred to the aorta it supplies the oxygenated blood to different parts of the body. Blood Vessels Blood vessels are the blood carriers in a human body. These play a very vital role in the supply of blood to various parts of the body. Blood vessels can be of two types, veins and arteries. All the veins (except pulmonary vein) are involved in carrying the deoxygenated blood from various parts of the body to the heart whereas all the arteries (except pulmonary artery) are involved in supplying oxygenated blood from the heart to different parts of the body. Functioning of the Heart After getting familiar with the part let's check out the functions of the heart. Well, as we all know we need oxygen to survive, but have you ever thought how this oxygen is supplied to different parts of the body? This work is done with the help of heart. Heart plays a very important role in the supply of oxygenated blood in different parts of the body. Deoxygenated blood is collected from various parts of the body and is transferred to heart. The blood enters the heart through the pulmonary valve and enters the right atrium, then it goes to the right ventricle through the tricuspid valve. From here the blood then goes to the lungs for oxygenation. Oxygenated blood is then brought back to the heart with the help of pulmonary veins and enters the left atrium. The blood then goes to the left ventricle through the bicuspid valve and then transferred to the aorta through the aortic valve for further blood circulation to different parts of the body.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Little Falls Hospital

For the past six months, Lydia, who is paralyzed from a car accident and can only communicate through nodding her head, has been receiving life sustaining support from the staff at Little Falls Hospital. It is uncertain if Lydia is able to understand any information about her current situation and is able to make any decisions for herself. Lydia prepared an advance directive before the accident, but the advance directive cannot be located. There are two laws that can be taken into account for this situation, the New York Health Care Proxy Law and the New York’s Family Health Care Decision Making Act (FHCDA).Under the New York Health Care Proxy Law, Lydia’s husband, Mr. Bevins, who is her legal guardian, which also makes him the surrogate decision maker under the New York Health Care Proxy Law, has the legal right to make the decisions on her health care in her behalf. Being respectful of his wife’s wishes, Mr. Bevins is asking that the life sustaining support be withdrawn. However, Lydia’s mom, Eileen Redfield, believes that her daughter has a chance to recover and does not support Mr.Bevins’ decision. New York’s Family Health Care Decision Making Act (FHCDA) â€Å"establishes the authority of a patient’s family member or close friend to make health care decisions for the patient in cases where the patient lacks decisional capacity and did not leave prior instructions or appoint a health care agent. This â€Å"surrogate† decision maker would also be empowered to direct the withdrawal or withholding of life-sustaining treatment when standards set forth in the statute are satisfied.†With Mr. Bevins being the appointed guardian, it gives him the right to make the decisions on his wife’s behalf. Since there is uncertainty as to whether Lydia can make her own decisions, the doctors would have to confirm that Lydia is no longer capable of making decisions for herself before this right can be enacte d.It is critical that the physician determines whether Lydia is incapacitated and that her treatment is ineffectual before any life support decisions can be made. If it is found that Lydia is capable of making her own decision, she would need to give informed consent for any procedures or withdrawals of treatment. When the physician determines that Lydia is incapacitated and that treatment is ineffectual, there are three options to consider. The first option would be to continue with the current active treatment

The Twilight Saga 4: Breaking Dawn 13. Good Thing I’ve Got A Strong Stomach

13. Good Thing I've Got A Strong Stomach Carlisle and Rosalie were off in a flash, darting upstairs. I could hear them debating whether they should warm it up for her. Ugh. i wondered what all house-of-horrors stuff they kept around here. Fridge full of blood, check. What else? Torture chamber? Coffin room? Edward stayed, holding Bella's hand. His face was dead again. He didn't seem to have the energy to keep up even that little hint of hope he'd had before. They stared into each other's eyes, but not in a gooey way. It was like they were having a conversation. Kind of reminded me of Sam and Emily. No, it wasn't gooey, but that only made it harder to watch. I knew what it was like for Leah, having to see that all the time. Having to hear it in Sam's head. Of course we all felt bad for her, we weren't monsters – in that sense, anyway. But I guess we'd blamed her for how she handled it. Lashing out at everyone, trying to make us all as miserable as she was. I would never blame her again. How could anyone help spreading this kind of misery around? How could anyone not try to ease some of the burden by shoving a little piece of it off on someone else? And if it meant that I had to have a pack, how could I blame her for taking my freedom? I would do the same. If there was a way to escape this pain, I'd take it, too. Rosalie darted downstairs after a second, flying through the room like a sharp breeze, stirring up the burning smell. She stopped inside the kitchen, and I heard the creak of a cupboard door. â€Å"Note ear, Rosalie,† Edward murmured. He rolled his eyes. Bella looked curious, but Edward just shook his head at her. Rosalie blew back through the room and disappeared again. â€Å"This was your idea?† Bella whispered, her voice rough as she strained to make it loud enough for me to hear. Forgetting that I could hear just fine. I kind of liked how, a lot of the time, she seemed to forget that I wasn't completely human. I moved closer, so that she wouldn't have to work so hard. â€Å"Don't blame me for this one. Your vampire was just picking snide comments out of my head.† She smiled a little. â€Å"I didn't expect to see you again.† â€Å"Yeah, me, either,† I said. It felt weird just standing here, but the vampires had shoved all the furniture out of the way for the medical setup. I imagined that it didn't bother them – sitting or standing didn't make much difference when you were stone. Wouldn't bother me much, either, except that I was so exhausted. â€Å"Edward told me what you had to do. I'm sorry.† â€Å"S'okay. It was probably only a matter of time till I snapped over something Sam wanted me to do,† I lied. â€Å"And Seth,† she whispered. â€Å"He's actually happy to help.† â€Å"I hate causing you trouble.† I laughed once – more a bark than a laugh. She breathed a faint sigh. â€Å"I guess that's nothing new, is it?† â€Å"No, not really.† â€Å"You don't have to stay and watch this,† she said, barely mouthing the words. I could leave. It was probably a good idea. But if I did, with the way she looked right now, I could be missing the last fifteen minutes of her life. â€Å"I don't really have anywhere else to go,† I told her, trying to keep the emotion out of my voice. â€Å"The wolf thing is a lot less appealing since Leah joined up.† â€Å"Leah?† she gasped. â€Å"You didn't tell her?† I asked Edward. He just shrugged without moving his eyes from her face. I could see it wasn't very exciting news to him, not something worth sharing with the more important events that were going down. Bella didn't take it so lightly. It looked like it was bad news to her. â€Å"Why?† she breathed. I didn't want to get into the whole novel-length version. â€Å"To keep an eye on Seth.† â€Å"But Leah hates us,† she whispered. Us.Nice. I could see that she was afraid, though. â€Å"Leah's not going to bug anyone.† But me. â€Å"She's in my pack† – I grimaced at the words – â€Å"so she follows my lead.† Ugh. Bella didn't look convinced. â€Å"You're scared of Leah, but you're best buds with the psychopath blonde?† There was a low hiss from the second floor. Cool, she'd heard me. Bella frowned at me. â€Å"Don't. Rose†¦ understands.† â€Å"Yeah,† i grunted. â€Å"She understands that you're gonna die and she doesn't care, s'long as she gets her mutant spawn out of the deal.† â€Å"Stop being a jerk, Jacob,† she whispered. She looked too weak to get mad at. I tried to smile instead. â€Å"You say that like it's possible.† Bella tried not to smile back for a second, but she couldn't help it in the end; her chalky lips pulled up at the corners. And then Carlisle and the psycho in question were there. Carlisle had a white plastic cup in his hand – the kind with a lid and a bendy straw. Oh – not clear,now I got it. Edward didn't want Bella to have to think about what she was doing any more than necessary. You couldn't see what was in the cup at all. But I could smell it. Carlisle hesitated, the hand with the cup half-extended. Bella eyed it, looking scared again. â€Å"We could try another method,† Carlisle said quietly. â€Å"No,† Bella whispered. â€Å"No,111 try this first. We don't have time†¦.† At first I thought she'd finally gotten a clue and was worried about herself, but then her hand fluttered feebly against her stomach. Bellareached out and took the cup from him. Her hand shook a little, and I could hear the sloshing from inside. She tried to prop herself up on one elbow, but she could barely lift her head. A whisper of heat brushed down my spine as I saw how frail she'd gotten in less than a day. Rosalie put her arm under Bella's shoulders, supporting her head, too, like you did with a newborn. Blondie was all about the babies. â€Å"Thanks,† Bella whispered. Her eyes flickered around at us. Still aware enough to feel self-conscious. If she wasn't so drained, I'd bet she'd've blushed. â€Å"Don't mind them,† Rosalie murmured. It made me feel awkward. I should've left when Bella'd offered the chance. I didn't belong here, being part of this. I thought about ducking out, but then I realized a move like that would only make this worse for Bella – make it harder for her to go through with it. She'd figure I was too disgusted to stay. Which was almost true. Still. While I wasn't going to claim responsibility for this idea, I didn't want to jinx it, either. Bella lifted the cup to her face and sniffed at the end of the straw. She flinched, and then made a face. â€Å"Bella, sweetheart, we can find an easier way,† Edward said, holding his hand out for the cup. â€Å"Plug your nose,† Rosalie suggested. She glared at Edward's hand like she might take a snap at it. I wished she would. I bet Edward wouldn't take that sitting down, and I'd love to see Blondie lose a limb. â€Å"No, that's not it. It's just that it – â€Å"Bella sucked in a deep breath. â€Å"It smells good,† she admitted in a tiny voice. I swallowed hard, fighting to keep the disgust off my face. â€Å"That's a good thing,† Rosalie told Bella eagerly. â€Å"That means we're on the right track. Give it a try.† Given Blondie's new expression, I was surprised she didn't break into a touchdown dance. Bella shoved the straw between her lips, squeezed her eyes shut, and wrinkled her nose. I could hear the blood slopping around in the cup again as her hand shook. She sipped at it for a second, and then moaned quietly with her eyes still closed. Edward and I stepped forward at the same time. He touched her face. I clenched my hands behind my back. â€Å"Bella, love – â€Å" Tm okay,† she whispered. She opened her eyes and stared up at him. Her expression was†¦ apologetic. Pleading. Scared. â€Å"It tastes good, too.† Acid churned in my stomach, threatening to overflow. I ground my teeth together. â€Å"That's good,† Blondie repeated, still jazzed. â€Å"A good sign.† Edward just pressed his hand to her cheek, curling his fingers around the shape of her fragile bones. Bella sighed and put her lips to the straw again. She took a real pull this time. The action wasn't as weak as everything else about her. Like some instinct was taking over. â€Å"How's your stomach? Do you feel nauseated?† Carlisle asked. Bella shook her head. â€Å"No, I don't feel sick,† she whispered. â€Å"There's a first, eh?† Rosalie beamed. â€Å"Excellent.† â€Å"I think it's a bit early for that, Rose,† Carlisle murmured. Bella gulped another mouthful of blood. Then she flashed a look at Edward. â€Å"Does this screw my total?† she whispered. â€Å"Or do we start counting after I'm a vampire?† â€Å"No one is counting, Bella. In any case, no one died for this.† He smiled a lifeless smile. â€Å"Your record is still clean.† They'd lost me. â€Å"I'll explain later,† Edward said, so low the words were just a breath. â€Å"What?† Bella whispered. â€Å"Just talking to myself,† he lied smoothly. If he succeeded with this, if Bella lived, Edward wasn't going to be able to get away with so much when her senses were as sharp as his. He'd have to work on the honesty thing. Edward's lips twitched, fighting a smile. Bella chugged a few more ounces, staring past us toward the window. Probably pretending we weren't here. Or maybe just me. No one else in this group would be disgusted by what she was doing. Just the opposite – they were probably having a tough time not ripping the cup away from her. Edward rolled his eyes. Jeez, how did anyone stand living with him? It was really too bad he couldn't hear Bella's thoughts. Then he'd annoy the crap out of her, too, and she'd get tired of him. Edward chuckled once. Bella's eyes flicked to him immediately, and she half-smiled at the humor in his face. I would guess that wasn't something she'd seen in a while. â€Å"Something funny?† she breathed. â€Å"Jacob,† he answered. She looked over with another weary smile for me. â€Å"Jake's a crack-up,† she agreed. Great, now I was the court jester. â€Å"Bada bing† I mumbled in weak rim-shot impression. She smiled again, and then took another swig from the cup. I flinched when the straw pulled at empty air, making a loud sucking sound. â€Å"I did it,† she said, sounding pleased. Her voice was clearer – rough, but not a whisper for the first time today. â€Å"If I keep this down, Carlisle, will you take the needles out of me?† â€Å"As soon as possible,† he promised. â€Å"Honestly, they aren't doing that much good where they are.† Rosalie patted Bella's forehead, and they exchanged a hopeful glance. And anyone could see it – the cup full of human blood had made an immediate difference. Her color was returning – there was a tiny hint of pink in her waxy cheeks. Already she didn't seem to need Rosalie's support so much anymore. Her breathing was easier, and I would swear her heartbeat was stronger, more even. Everything accelerated. That ghost of hope in Edward's eyes had turned into the real thing. â€Å"Would you like more?† Rosalie pressed. Bella's shoulders slumped. Edward flashed a glare at Rosalie before he spoke to Bella. â€Å"You don't have to drink more right away.† â€Å"Yeah, I know. But†¦ I want to† she admitted glumly. Rosalie pulled her thin, sharp fingers through Bella's lank hair. â€Å"You don't need to be embarrassed about that, Bella. Your body has cravings. We all understand that.† Her tone was soothing at first, but then she added harshly, â€Å"Anyone who doesn't understand shouldn't be here.† Meant for me, obviously, but I wasn't going to let Blondie get to me. I was glad Bella felt better. So what if the means grossed me out? It wasn't like I'd said anything. Carlisle took the cup from Bella's hand. â€Å"I'll be right back.† Bella stared at me while he disappeared. â€Å"Jake, you look awful,† she croaked. â€Å"Look who's talking.† â€Å"Seriously – when's the last time you slept?† I thought about that for a second. â€Å"Huh. I'm not actually sure.† â€Å"Aw, Jake. Now I'm messing with your health, too. Don't be stupid.† I gritted my teeth. She was allowed to kill herself for a monster, but I wasn't allowed to miss a few nights' sleep to watch her do it? â€Å"Get some rest, please,† she went on. â€Å"There're a few beds upstairs – you're welcome to any of them.† The look on Rosalie's face made it clear that I wasn't welcome to one of them. It made me wonder what Sleepless Beauty needed a bed for anyway. Was she that possessive of her props? â€Å"Thanks, Bells, but I'd rather sleep on the ground. Away from the stench, you know.† She grimaced. â€Å"Right.† Carlisle was back then, and Bella reached out for the blood, absentminded, like she was thinking of something else. With the same distracted expression, she started sucking it down. She really was looking better. She pulled herself forward, being careful of the tubes, and scooted into a sitting position. Rosalie hovered, her hands ready to catch Bella if she sagged. But Bella didn't need her. Taking deep breaths in between swallows, Bella finished the second cup quickly. â€Å"How do you feel now?† Carlisle asked. â€Å"Not sick. Sort of hungry†¦ only I'm not sure if I'm hungry or thirsty, you know?† â€Å"Carlisle, just look at her,† Rosalie murmured, so smug she should have canary feathers on her lips. â€Å"This is obviously what her body wants. She should drink more.† â€Å"She's still human, Rosalie. She needs food, too. Let's give her a little while to see how this affects her, and then maybe we can try some food again. Does anything sound particularly good to you, Bella?† â€Å"Eggs,† she said immediately, and then she exchanged a look and a smile with Edward. His smile was brittle, but there was more life on his face than before. I blinked then, and almost forgot how to open my eyes again. â€Å"Jacob,† Edward murmured. â€Å"You really should sleep. As Bella said, you're certainly welcome to the accommodations here, though you'd probably be more comfortable outside. Don't worry about anything – I promise 111 find you if there's a need.† â€Å"Sure, sure,† I mumbled. Now that it appeared Bella had a few more hours, I could escape. Go curl up under a tree somewhere†¦. Far enough away that the smell couldn't reach me. The bloodsucker would wake me up if something went wrong. He owed me. â€Å"I do,† Edward agreed. I nodded and then put my hand on Bella's. Hers was icy cold. â€Å"Feel better,† I said. â€Å"Thanks, Jacob.† She turned her hand over and squeezed mine. I felt the thin band of her wedding ring riding loose on her skinny finger. â€Å"Get her a blanket or something,† I muttered as I turned for the door. Before I made it, two howls pierced the still morning air. There was no mistaking the urgency of the tone. No misunderstanding this time. â€Å"Dammit,† I snarled, and I threw myself through the door. I hurled my body off the porch, letting the fire rip me apart midair. There was a sharp tearing sound as my shorts shredded. Crap. Those were the only clothes I had. Didn't matter now. I landed on paws and took off toward the west. What is it?I shouted in my head. Incoming,Seth answered. At least three. Did they split up? I'm running the line back to Seth at the speed of lightLeah promised. I could feel the air huffing through her lungs as she pushed herself to an incredible velocity. The forest whipped around her. So far, no other point of attack. Seth, donot challenge them. Wait forme. They're slowing. Ugh – its sooff not being able to hear them. I think†¦ What? I think they've stopped. Waiting for the rest of the pack? Shh. Feel that? I absorbed his impressions. The faint, soundless shimmer in the air. Someone's phasing? Feels like it,Seth agreed. Leah flew into the small open space where Seth waited. She raked her claws into the dirt, spinning out like a race car. Got your back, bro. They're coming,Seth said nervously. Slow. Walking. Almost there,I told them. I tried to fly like Leah. It felt horrible being separated from Seth and Leah with potential danger closer to their end than mine. Wrong. I should be with them, between them and whatever was coming. Look who's getting all paternal,Leah thought wryly. Head in the game, Leah. Four,Seth decided. Kid had good ears. Three wolves, one man. I made the little clearing then, moving immediately to the point. Seth sighed with relief and then straightened up, already in place at my right shoulder. Leah fell in on my left with a little less enthusiasm. So now I rank under Seth,she grumbled to herself. First come, first served,Seth thought smugly. ‘Sides, you were never an Alpha's Third before. Still an upgrade. Under my baby brother is not an upgrade. Shh!I complained. don't care where you stand. Shut up and get ready. They came into view a few seconds later, walking, as Seth had thought. Jared in the front, human, hands up. Paul and Quil and Collin on four legs behind him. There was no aggression in their postures. They hung back behind Jared, ears up, alert but calm. But†¦ it was weird that Sam would send Collin rather than Embry. That wasn't what I would do if I were sending a diplomacy party into enemy territory. I wouldn't send a kid. I'd send the experienced fighter. A diversion?Leah thought. Were Sam, Embry, and Brady making a move alone? That didn't seem likely. Want me to check? I can run the line and be back in two minutes. Should I warn the Cullens?Seth wondered. What if the point was to divide us?I asked. The Cullens know something's up. They're ready. Sam wouldn't be so stupid†¦,Leah whispered, fear jagged in her mind. She was imagining Sam attacking the Cullens with only the two others beside him. No, he wouldn't,I assured her, though I felt a little sick at the image in her head, too. All the while, Jared and the three wolves stared at us, waiting. It was eerie not to hear what Quil and Paul and Collin were saying to one another. Their expressions were blank – unreadable. Jared cleared his throat, and then he nodded to me. â€Å"White flag of truce, Jake. We're here to talk.† Think it's true?Seth asked. Makes sense, but†¦ Yeah,Leah agreed. But. We didn't relax. Jared frowned. â€Å"It would be easier to talk if I could hear you, too.† I stared him down. I wasn't going to phase back until I felt better about this situation. Until it made sense. Why Collin? That was the part that had me most worried. â€Å"Okay. I guess I'll just talk, then,† Jared said. â€Å"Jake, we want you to come back.† Quil let out a soft whine behind him. Seconding the statement. â€Å"You've torn our family apart. It's not meant to be this way.† I wasn't exactly in disagreement with that, but it was hardly the point. There were a few unresolved differences of opinion between me and Sam at the moment. â€Å"We know that you feel†¦ strongly about the situation with the Cullens. We know that's a problem. But this is an overreaction.† Seth growled. Overreaction? And attacking our allies without warning isn't? Seth, you ever heard of a poker face? Cool it. Sorry. Jared's eyes flickered to Seth and back to me. â€Å"Sam is willing to take this slowly, Jacob. He's calmed down, talked to the other Elders. They've decided that immediate action is in no one's best interest at this point.† Translation: They've already lost the element of surprise,Leah thought. It was weird how distinct our joint thinking was. The pack was already Sam's pack, was already â€Å"them† to us. Something outside and other. It was especially weird to have Leah thinking that way – to have her be a solid part of the â€Å"us.† â€Å"Billy and Sue agree with you, Jacob, that we can wait for Bella†¦ to be separated from the problem. Killing her is not something any of us feel comfortable with.† Though I'd just given Seth crap for it, I couldn't hold back a small snarl of my own. So they didn't quite feel comfortablewith murder, huh? Jared raised his hands again. â€Å"Easy, Jake. You know what I mean. The point is, we're going to wait and reassess the situation. Decide later if there's a problem with the†¦ thing.† Ha,Leah thought. What a load. You don't buy it? I know what they're thinking, Jake. WhatSam's thinking. They're betting on Bella dying anyway. And then they figure you'll be so mad. . . That I'll lead the attack myself.My ears pressed against my skull. What Leah was guessing sounded pretty spot-on. And very possible, too. When†¦ if that thing killed Bella, it was going to be easy to forget how I felt about Carlisle's family right now. They would probably look like enemies – like no more than bloodsucking leeches – to me all over again. I'll remind you,Seth whispered. know you will, kid. Question is whether I'll listen to you. â€Å"Jake?† Jared asked. I huffed a sigh. Leah, make a circuit – just to be sure. I'm going to have to talk to him, and I want to bepositive there isn't anything else going on while I'm phased. Give me a break, Jacob. You can phase in front of me. Despite my best efforts, I've seen you naked before – doesn't do much forme, so no worries. I'm not trying to protect the innocence of your eyes, I'm trying to protect our backs. Get out of here. Leah snorted once and then launched herself into the forest. I could hear her claws cutting into the soil, pushing her faster. Nudity was an inconvenient but unavoidable part of pack life. We'd all thought nothing of it before Leah came along. Then it got awkward. Leah had average control when it came to her temper – it took her the usual length of time to stop exploding out of her clothes every time she got pissed. We'd all caught a glimpse. And it wasn't like she wasn't worth looking at; it was just that it was so not worth it when she caught you thinking about it later. Jared and the others were staring at the place where she'd disappeared into the brush with wary expressions. â€Å"Where's she going?† Jared asked. I ignored him, closing my eyes and pulling myself together again. It felt like the air was trembling around me, shaking out from me in small waves. I lifted myself up on my hind legs, catching the moment just right so that I was fully upright as I shimmered down into my human self. â€Å"Oh,† Jared said. â€Å"Hey, Jake.† â€Å"Hey, Jared.† â€Å"Thanks for talking to me.† â€Å"Yeah.† â€Å"We want you to come back, man.† Quil whined again. â€Å"I don't know if it's that easy, Jared.† â€Å"Come home,† he said, leaning forward. Pleading. â€Å"We can sort this out. You don't belong here. Let Seth and Leah come home, too.† I laughed. â€Å"Right. Like I haven't been begging them to do that from hour one.† Seth snorted behind me. Jared assessed that, his eyes cautious again. â€Å"So, what now, then?† I thought that over for a minute while he waited. â€Å"I don't know. But I'm not sure things could just go back to normal anyway, Jared. I don't know how it works – it doesn't feel like I can just turn this Alpha thing off and on as the mood strikes. It feels sort of permanent.† â€Å"You still belong with us.† I raised my eyebrows. â€Å"Two Alphas can't belong in the same place, Jared. Remember how close it got last night? The instinct is too competitive.† â€Å"So are you all just going to hang out with the parasites for the rest of your lives?† he demanded. â€Å"You don't have a home here. You're already out of clothes,† he pointed out. â€Å"You gonna stay wolf all the time? You know Leah doesn't like eating that way.† â€Å"Leah can do whatever she wants when she gets hungry. She's here by her own choice. I'm not telling anyone what to do.† Jared sighed. â€Å"Sam is sorry about what he did to you.† I nodded. â€Å"I'm not angry anymore.† â€Å"But?† â€Å"But I'm not coming back, not now. We're going to wait and see how it plays out, too. And we're going to watch out for the Cullens for as long as that seems necessary. Because, despite what you think, this isn't just about Bella. We're protecting those who should be protected. And that applies to the Cullens, too.† At least a fair number of them, anyway. Seth yelped softly in agreement. Jared frowned. â€Å"I guess there's nothing I can say to you, then.† â€Å"Not now. We'll see how things go.† Jared turned to face Seth, concentrating on him now, separate from me. â€Å"Sue asked me to tell you – no, to beg you – to come home. She's brokenhearted, Seth. All alone. I don't know how you and Leah can do this to her. Abandon her this way, when your dad just barely died – â€Å" Seth whimpered. â€Å"Ease up, Jared,† I warned. â€Å"Just letting him know how it is.† I snorted. â€Å"Right.† Sue was tougher than anyone I knew. Tougher than my dad, tougher than me. Tough enough to play on her kids' sympathies if that's what it took to get them home. But it wasn't fair to work Seth that way. â€Å"Sue's known about this for how many hours now? And most of that time spent with Billy and Old Quil and Sam? Yeah, I'm sure she's just perishing of loneliness. ‘Course you're free to go if you want, Seth. You know that.† Seth sniffed. Then, a second later, he cocked an ear to the north. Leah must be close. Jeez, she was fast. Two beats, and Leah skidded to a stop in the brush a few yards away. She trotted in, taking the point in front of Seth. She kept her nose in the air, very obviously not looking in my direction. I appreciated that. â€Å"Leah?† Jared asked. She met his gaze, her muzzle pulling back a little over her teeth. Jared didn't seem surprised by her hostility. â€Å"Leah, you know you don't want to be here.† She snarled at him. I gave her a warning glance she didn't see. Seth whined and nudged her with his shoulder. â€Å"Sorry,† Jared said. â€Å"Guess I shouldn't assume. But you don't have any ties to the bloodsuckers.† Leah very deliberately looked at her brother and then at me. â€Å"So you want to watch out for Seth, I get that,† Jared said. His eyes touched my face and then went back to hers. Probably wondering about that second look – just like I was. â€Å"But Jake's not going to let anything happen to him, and he's not afraid to be here.† Jared made a face. â€Å"Anyway, please, Leah. We want you back. Sam wants you back.† Leah's tail twitched. â€Å"Sam told me to beg. He told me to literally get down on my knees if I have to. He wants you home, Lee-lee, where you belong.† I saw Leah flinch when Jared used Sam's old nickname for her. And then, when he added those last three words, her hackles rose and she was yowling a long stream of snarls through her teeth. I didn't have to be in her head to hear the cussing-out she was giving him, and neither did he. You could almost hear the exact words she was using. I waited till she was done. â€Å"I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Leah belongs wherever she wants to be.† Leah growled, but, as she was glaring at Jared, I figured it was in agreement. â€Å"Look, Jared, we're still family, okay? We'll get past the feud, but, until we do, you probably ought to stick to your land. Just so there aren't misunderstandings. Nobody wants a family brawl, right? Sam doesn't want that, either, does he?† â€Å"Of course, not,† Jared snapped. â€Å"We'll stick to our land. But where is your land, Jacob? Is it vampire land?† â€Å"No, Jared. Homeless at the moment. But don't worry – this isn't going to last forever.† I had to take a breath. â€Å"There's not that much time†¦ left. Okay? Then the Cullens will probably go, and Seth and Leah will come home.† Leah and Seth whined together, their noses turning my direction in synchronization. â€Å"And what about you, Jake?† â€Å"Back to the forest, I think. I can't really stick around La Push. Two Alphas means too much tension. ‘Sides, I was headed that way anyway. Before this mess.† â€Å"What if we need to talk?† Jared asked. â€Å"Howl – but watch the line, ‘kay? We'll come to you. And Sam doesn't need to send so many. We aren't looking for a fight.† Jared scowled, but nodded. He didn't like me setting conditions for Sam. â€Å"See you around, Jake. Or not.† He waved halfheartedly. â€Å"Wait, Jared. Is Embry okay?† Surprise crossed his face. â€Å"Embry? Sure, he's fine. Why?† â€Å"Just wondering why Sam sent Collin.† I watched his reaction, still suspicious that something was going on. I saw knowledge flash in his eyes, but it didn't look like the kind I was expecting. â€Å"That's not really your business anymore, Jake.† â€Å"Guess not. Just curious.† I saw a twitch from the corner of my eye, but I didn't acknowledge it, because I didn't want to give Quil away. He was reacting to the subject. â€Å"I'll let Sam know about your†¦ instructions. Goodbye, Jacob.† I sighed. â€Å"Yeah. Bye, Jared. Hey, tell my dad that I'm okay, will you? And that I'm sorry, and that I love him.† â€Å"I'll pass that along.† â€Å"Thanks.† â€Å"C'mon, guys,† Jared said. He turned away from us, heading out of sight to phase because Leah was here. Paul and Collin were right on his heels, but Quil hesitated. He yelped softly, and I took a step toward him. â€Å"Yeah, I miss you, too, bro.† Quil jogged over to me, his head hanging down morosely. I patted his shoulder. â€Å"It'll be okay.† He whined. â€Å"Tell Embry I miss having you two on my flanks.† He nodded and then pressed his nose to my forehead. Leah snorted. Quil looked up, but not at her. He looked back over his shoulder at where the others had gone. â€Å"Yeah, go home,† I told him. Quil yelped again and then took off after the others. I'd bet Jared wasn't waiting super-patiently. As soon as he was gone, I pulled the warmth from the center of my body and let it surge through my limbs. In a flash of heat, I was on four legs again. Thought you were going to make out with him,Leah snickered. I ignored her. Was that okay?I asked them. It worried me, speaking for them that way, when I couldn't hear exactly what they were thinking. I didn't want to assume anything. I didn't want to be like Jared that way. Did I say anything you didn't want me to? Did I not say something I should have? You did great, Jake!Seth encouraged. You could have hit Jared,Leah thought. wouldn't have minded that. I guess we know why Embry wasn't allowed to come,Seth thought. I didn't understand. Not allowed? Jake, didya see Quil? He's pretty torn up, right? I'd put ten to one that Embry's even more upset And Embry doesn't have a Claire. There's no way Quil can just pick up and walk away from La Push. Embry might So Sam's not going to take any chances on him getting convinced to jump ship. He doesn't want our pack any bigger than it is now. Really? You think? I doubt Embry would mind shredding some Cullens. But he's your best friend, Jake. He and Quil would rather stand behind you than face you in a fight. Well, I'm glad Sam kept him home, then. This pack is big enough.I sighed. Okay, then. So we're good, for now. Seth, you mind keeping an eye on things for a while? Leah and I both need to crash. This felt on the level, but who knows? Maybe it was a distraction. I wasn't always so paranoid, but I remembered the feel of Sam's commitment. The total one-track focus on destroying the danger he saw. Would he take advantage of the fact that he could lie to us now? No problem!Seth was only too eager to do whatever he could. You want me to explain to the Cullens? They're probably still kinda tense. I got it. I want to check things out anyway. They caught the whir of images from my fried brain. Seth whimpered in surprise. Ew. Leah whipped her head back and forth like she was trying to shake the image out of her mind. That is easily the freakin' grossest thing I've heard in my life. Yuck. If there was anything in my stomach, it would be coming back. Theyare vampires, I guess, Seth allowed after a minute, compensating for Leah's reaction. mean, it makes sense. And if it helps Bella, it's a good thing, right? Both Leah and I stared at him. What? Mom dropped him a lot when he was a baby,Leah told me. On his head, apparently. He used to gnaw on the crib bars, too. Lead paint? Looks like itshe thought. Seth snorted. Funny. Why don't you two shut up and sleep?

Monday, July 29, 2019

Enterprise Group Policy for Security Lab Report Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Enterprise Group Policy for Security - Lab Report Example d access to local administrative includes the following: Modification of any registry setting, modification permissions on any file or folder, modification of any settings of the system, including setting stored in files in the system folder and many others. Allowing users to run as administrators can lead to potential security attacks and breaches (Dean 97). From control panel right click on local groups and users and from the menu, click on new-local group and from the dialogue box that appears, into the group text box type administrators, then select â€Å"remove the current user† check box. Then select apply (Dean 107). It is essential to reset the administrator password since the user had the privileges of an administrative before restricting them from the local administrators group. If the password is reset simultaneously with the extraction of user account the user may never have a chance alter or know the new local administrator password (Thilagam 79). From the control panel right click on groups and local users. On the menu select new-local user and from the dialogue box that appears into the user name text box type in administrator then into password text box type in new password and confirm in password confirm text box. Then select apply (Thilagam 99). User account control (UAC) offers a chance to facilitate security of the computer when an administrator and a user are logged in. It enhances protection against any virus or application that tries to write to protected/restricted areas of the computer (Rocha 123). Computer security is in a local network is very essential since it prevents both the computers and the user or administrator. The GPOs are in the frontline to ensure that the computers are fully protected against viruses and alteration of system files and folders by the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

A Freedom Fighter or Terrorist Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

A Freedom Fighter or Terrorist - Essay Example His step-father was a known sheep thief and he taught the young Saddam his trade however this turned tragic when Saddam was caught in the act and forced to leave and stay with a far away uncle, Khayrallah Tulfah. His uncle enrolled him in school and tried to do the same in the military but the young Saddam was turned away due to bad grades. Out of anger and rage, he joined the radical faction Ba’ath. One of the Ba’ath’s objectives as a radical faction was to topple the existing regime of King Faisal II and form a Unitary Arabic State. In 1958 after a failed assassination attempt of General Abdul Qassim by the young Saddam Hussein, Saddam fled to Egypt where he enrolled in school to pursue a degree in law. After a short stay in Egypt, back in Iraq the Ba’ath faction managed to have in their control the city of Baghdad in 1963 and General Qassim was publicly tortured and eventually put to death. The group called Saddam back home and gave him the position of head torturer at the â€Å"Palace of the End.† However this did not last for long because the Nationalist soldiers deposed the Ba’ath and arrested several of its members in 1964, one of them was Saddam Hussein. A General Ahmad Hassan al-Bakr, Saddam’s cousin, advocated for Saddam and had him released. He later on endorsed Saddam to the post of assistant secretary general of the Ba’ath Party and saw to it that he formed and made effective an unknown police force, Jihaz Haneen. In 1968 while Saddam was chief of internal security as well as the head of the Revolutionary Command Council, he participated heavily in the coup led by his cousin and he was an undercover agent always secretly searching for those opposing his cousin and intimidating them or even at times killing them. He became highly feared and popular for the next ten years always playing the position of the right hand man of his cousin. In 1978 he swayed his now aging cousin to step down as ruler of Iraq citing poor health and later on had the party heads choose an heir to the throne of Iraq. He outwitted everyone by having them choose him as the heir to the throne. During the first conference of the Revolutionary Command Council in 1979, Saddam’s first order of business was to have all the people he thought might pose a threat to his rule executed. These included judges, military men, legal representatives, bankers, reporters, religious leaders, his fellow party members as well as scholars. In a span of one month he had ordered the putting to death of about 450 people he claimed were foes of his regime (Arnold, 2008). These became known as the Pyramid of Skulls and to create more intimidation and fear among those who opposed him, he had some of these executions done in public and recorded then later on have these recordings delivered to rulers of the other Arab States. The Kurds who were a marginalized group had been calling for their sovereignty for as long as Iraq existed and they faced a lot of oppression and persecution under the reign of Saddam. 1987 saw the total demolish of their villages and killing of many of their own. It is reported that between 1983 and 1988, about 180,000 Kurds were killed by Saddam. These mainly took place in their oil rich province of Kirkuk because Saddam wanted the region to be owned by another tribe and not the Kurds who had been in that place for decades. Saddam had a lot of his people under his mercy because of external enemies like Iran who were always ready to strike. He assured them of their safety under his rule and used this strategy to control them while at the same time oppressing them. He increased his influence over his people by always making himself and his image a constant sign of intimidation. It is said that his portrait appeared in every learning institution, learning text

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Discuss.. The image of managers as rational and analytical planners, Essay - 1

Discuss.. The image of managers as rational and analytical planners, decision makers and issuers of commands does not stand up to scrutiny when researchers examine what managers actually do - Essay Example The other members of the organizational community may be attached to the organization as their economic activity or as a source of some satisfaction. Besides, the nature of human being that deviates from the ideal situation does not allow them to operate collectively towards the achievement of common objective. There is a lot of diversity among the human resource. There is also need to plan the activities of an organization and make appropriate decisions at certain points in the organization. These require some kind of management, a way of passing information and coordinating the activities in the organization (Watson 2003, p4). The roles of the various employees need to be defined, there is need to supervise how the employees perform the tasks as a way of appraisal or dismissal, and there is a need to review the organizations objectives and evaluate the overall performance of the organization. There is a need to establish proper relation with the individuals that are outside the org anization as well. The diverse need of the community that surrounds the organization including the employees of the organization is what makes management one of the challenging roles in an organization. A manager who partly owns a company will provide a different managerial approach than the other one who has no share in the organization (James, 1999, p.2). The role of managers in an organization has received various scrutinies due to the ambiguity that exists in defining term itself. The operations in a given organization may not go on smoothly not because the top management consists of incompetent personnel but because the managers are not doing the right things. Watson (2001) thus describes management in three different aspects: management as a function, management as activities and management as a team of people (p.35). The kind of manager that Watson mentions includes both the middle manager and the senior manager. The

Friday, July 26, 2019

Art of early medieval europe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Art of early medieval europe - Essay Example These tables are so informative and they have lots of knowledge embedded within them. The Book of Kells contains all the four Gospels. It is of critical significance to note that majority of the texts found within the Book of Kells draw their origin from the original Bible. However, a number of the texts found in the Book of Kells are from Vulgate. It is important to acknowledge the fact that the Book of Kells was written in a Columbian monastery. One of the propositions is that the creation of the Book of Kells took place in Britain. However, there are several speculations that the creation of the Book of Kells took place in Ireland. In relation to this, majority of the people around the world majorly believe that the creation of the Book of Kells took place in Ireland. The reality surrounding the exact place of origin has made many scholars of the book spend more time in research. However, on this basis, a number of propositions have been put forward relevant to this. However, it is important to note that such propositions as well as suggestions have been contradictory. This has also created a sense of controversy following the discrepancies in similarity amongst the scholars’ findings. In addition, the exact date and time when the Book of Kells was created has also been a matter of discussion for many years. However, the most important thing to note irrespective of the different speculations, predictions as well as suggestions from the scholars is that the book has drawn lots of interest from several people around the world. It is believed that the Book of Kells was written by three key personalities2. These personalities have had various influences in certain key artistic aspects of the Ireland during such periods. They were very famous artists during the time when the Book of Kells was being written. As such, they took the roles of ensuring that the book had

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Principels of organizational mangement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Principels of organizational mangement - Essay Example Hence, for instance, a UK manager who initiates business activities in the US business environment has to verify if his strategies conform to the business culture and institutional settings of the region. Researchers are of the opinion that the concept of HRM was the US contribution to the business world. American HRM started since 1890s with the emergence of NCR Corporation specifically when it initiated a separate personnel office (Ed. Pieper. 1990, p.41). In addition to this, several aspects including enterprise capitalism, free individualism, diverse workforce which comprised of immigrants also contributed to the growth of HRM in America (Ibid). Consequently, traditional business concept of ‘personal management’ gave way to collaborative business operation which gave much emphasis on creating large and diverse pool of human capital which would be cost effective and potential enough. Thus employee participation and managerial functions became the most inevitable part of American business organizations. As the new method was highly effective, it helped American organizations to be more competitive in the global market. Consequently, American organizations became highly competitive; and caught the attention of the entire business world. Organizations across the globe tried their own experiments on the strategic implementation of HRM. Despite the common features of all HRM models, as Bratton and Gold (2001) state, ‘there is a qualitative difference between HRM and traditional personal management’. According to the writers’ view, it includes strategic character of transformational leadership, and involvement of line managers as the notable features of modern HRM. The features of American approaches to HRM, according Schuler and Johnson include mainly five characteristics that make US model of business management distinctive from other European models (Cited in Fenton, Gooderham & Nordhang 2005). Given below are the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Strategic Perspective - Zara Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Strategic Perspective - Zara Report - Essay Example However, the company has been influenced by certain external factors throughout its dominant apparel retailing business. It has been found from the external analysis of Zara, it has been found that the company has been able to obtain substantial advantages within the global business environment. Moreover, the external analysis of Zara has revealed that in the fast fashion retail industry the bargaining power of buyers is quite high, therefore the company needs to constantly strive towards their varied and altering altering preferences. Additionally, the company has developed robust internal resources based upon its competent human resource capabilities. On the other hand, in relation to corporate social responsibilities, Zara follows certain ethical code of conducts in its business practices which facilitates the company to achieve sustainability. However, Zara in recent years has been dogged with certain public relations related crisis due to certain undesirable conducts. Therefore, certain strategic options and choices as well as recommendations such as expanding outsourcing activities and focusing on PR along with CSR initiatives have been advised to the company so that it is able to maintain its dominant position in the global fast fashion retail industry. Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 I. Introduction 5 II. External Environment Analysis 6 II. I. PESTEL Analysis 6 II. II. Five Forces Analysis 8 III. Internal Environment Analysis 9 III. I. SWOT Analysis 10 III. II. Internal Resources and Capabilities 11 III. III. Value Chain Analysis 13 III. III. I. Primary Activities 13 III. III. II. Support Activities 15 IV Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) 16 IV. I. Ethics 16 IV. II. Public Relations (PR) Crisis 17 IV. III. External Stakeholders Issue 18 V. Strategic Options and Choices 18 V. I. Expanding Outsourcing Activities to Other Developing Countries 18 V. IV. Emphasising Upon PR Campaigns 19 VI. Implementation and Evaluation 20 VII. Recommendations 21 V II. I. Improvement of the CSR Initiatives 21 VIII. II. Emphasise Upon Greater Initiatives on PR Activities 21 VIII. Conclusion 22 References 23 I. Introduction According to the present increasing competitive business scenario witnessed in the fashion retail industry, Zara has been recognised as one of the renowned fashion brands. The company has been playing a leading role in the respective industry through expanding in different global regions across the world. Zara is the major brand of its parent company The Inditex Group, one of the dominant clothing retail organisations within the globe (Corporate Excellence, 2011). It can frequently be observed that the company highly seeks to represent unique fast-fashion clothing to the global customers. In accordance with the present day context, the company is performing its leading role in 86 countries through its more than 1750 stores across the different nations of the world (Inditex, 2013). Emphasising upon the present competitive glob al clothing retail segment, the primary objective of this report is to demonstrate an in-depth analysis of Zara in the global clothing retail industry. The discussion of this report will be focused on analysing external environment of Zara through incorporating PESTEL and Porter’s Five Forces framework. Moreover, the discussion of t

Natural resistance mechanisms to HIV-1 infection Essay

Natural resistance mechanisms to HIV-1 infection - Essay Example There is currently no vaccine or cure for AIDS or HIV. The only known method is avoiding exposure of the virus. However a treatment known as post-exposure prophylaxis is believed to reduce the risk of infection if begun directly after exposure. Current treatment of HIV infection consists of highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART). This refers to combined therapy with three or more drugs, usually two that target the reverse transcriptase and one that targets the viral protease. Kimball's biology pages. 7 Oct. 2004. 24 Feb. 2007 Natural resistance to HIV can be considered at two levels: resistance to becoming infected with the virus and resistance to the virus if the person is already infected. The mechanisms of natural resistance in both cases are: Apoptosis. Apoptosis is a programmed death of the cells in multi-cells organism. During the HIV infection apoptosis is the main mechanism by which infected and uninfected CD4+ lymphocytes are eliminated. However apoptosis as a natural resistant mechanism to HIV infection has not been explored so far. Genetic factor.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Islamic Banking and the Financial Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Islamic Banking and the Financial Crisis - Essay Example The following verses of the Quran illustrate Islamic prohibitions on riba or usury: â€Å"And for practicing usury, which was forbidden, and for consuming the people’s money illicitly, We have prepared for the disbelievers among them painful retribution.† Al-Nisa 4:161 â€Å"Those who charge usury are in the same position as those controlled by the devil’s influence. This is because they claim that usury is the same as commerce. However, God permits commerce and prohibits usury.† Al-Baqarah 2:275 â€Å"The usury that is practiced to increase some people’s wealth does not gain anything at God. ... Background and Key Concepts of Islamic Banking Holden (2007) states that riba was a pre-Islamic practice that required that when a borrower could not repay a loan owed to another by a specified date, the amount of the loan increased in lieu of an extension in the repayment date. However, such an arrangement presented a problem because borrowers who could not repay a loan were in danger of owing huge sums in perpetuity to lenders. Thus, those that turned to moneylenders in an informal barter economy of the pre-Islamic era at times of famine, disasters or crop failure were in danger of entrapment in a vicious cycle of indebtedness, poverty and deprivation that could result in perpetual slavery for those that could not repay their loans. High risks associated with entrapment in a vicious cycle of indebtedness did not encourage risk-taking in commerce, and this was not beneficial for the society. It is important to note that the concept of a limited liability company in the United Kingdo m had evolved due to a societal need for managing better business risks for the betterment of the society and Islamic response for risk management related to the removal of the concept of riba from society. Holden (2007) goes further to suggest that the Quran prohibits profiting from idle money, and a prohibition exists for the practice of riba in Islam. In addition, Islamic law or the Shariah prohibits transactions that carry substantial risk or uncertainty at the time of inception, such as gambling or other forms of risk that present a potential for exploitation. Prohibition under the Shariah also extends to transactions that involve immorality,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Focus Questions Essay Example for Free

Focus Questions Essay â€Å"Why was the French empire ultimately so much less successful than either the Spanish or the British empires? † France was a late player in the settling game of the New World. During the 1500s it was ravaged by wars and internal conflict, most of these were caused from the Roman Catholics at odds with the Protestant Huguenots. Also, once the colonies were created settlers did not stay, many either came home or never trekked out into the wild. There were very few reasons to travel to the colonies for the French. This is because the colonial government was under direct rule of the crown. The one gain that could be obtained by immigrating to the colonies was religious freedom. However, France would not allow the passage of the prosecuted Huguenots. The main trade was Canada’s fur; not the most profitable. Although fur was very popular in America, and had great potential to succeed. The lack of settlers and the large land area controlled by the French could not be efficiently occupied or fortified. France was suffering from many struggles back in Europe yet the insufficient number of settlers prohibited the French from maintaining their land through the wars (the French and Indian war) and conflicts. 2. â€Å"If France instead of Britain had won the duel for North America, would the 13 colonies ever have become independent of Britain, or would they have been forced to stay within the empire for protection against France? Would Detroit, St. Louis, and New Orleans now be cities in Canada rather than in the United States? † If France had won North America, then I still believe that the United States would become independent. The French and Indian war would have affected the greatly. They would have still been hurt economically from the French and Indian war, and by losing, they could have been damaged in many more ways. Britain would force even more taxes upon the colonies because a defeat would likely cost more. However, if France would have attacked the colonies, the colonists would be preoccupied with defending themselves. Afterwards, although, I believe that the colonies would rebel eventually, because Britain would mistreat them more. Historically, France was the weakest of the world powers. Some islands and Quebec speak French. While over 20 speak Spanish and more than that speak English. If France had won North America from the British, they wouldn’t keep it for long because another â€Å"bully† nation, like Spain, or Germany could have risen up and taken it like candy from the French. 3. â€Å"From Britain’s perspective, were stationing soldiers in the New World permanently and issuing the Proclamation of 1763 good colonial policies? What problems were these policies trying to address? How else might have Britain solved those problems while limiting colonial contempt? † Yes, Britain’s concern of Indian uprising outweighed the expansion of the colonies. Pontiacs Uprising, which began in May of 1763, took the lives of hundreds of colonists and British soldiers as Ottawa leader Pontiac and various other tribes attempted to drive the English out of the Great Lake Region. Finally, the English subdued the Indian uprising by distributing blankets infected with smallpox. A cheap tactic if you would ask me. The Proclamation of 1763 and the posting of soldiers were placed into effect to keep the colonists and the Indians separate. Likely, the act was put in place to protect the colonists, and not to confine them. The main purpose of the Proclamation Line was to delay colonial expansion into the West while Britain stabilized relations with Natives through monetary compensation and the return of land. The other choice was allowing the colonists to have what they want and get massacred as they moved west. Britain could have done a better job with keeping the colonist happy. One flaw was that the colonists that were already west lost their land and money along with it. If I were Britain, I would have insured the colonists with the same proportion of land in a different region or compensated them with monetary supplements. . â€Å"Should the French and Indian War be considered one of the major causes of the American Revolution? Why or why not? † Yes, because it made the Americans want freedom. The colonists felt edged in beside the Eastern coast. France was the major anxiety of the colonists. The historical conflict with France, the Catholicism of France, and the absolute rule of the French monarchy caused Americans to dislike the French. By the mid-17th century, the colonists had begun to move west across the Appalachians into Kentucky. Here the English came in conflict with the French moving down to the south from French Canada into the fertile Ohio Valley. French and British hostilities in the Seven Years War began in North America. Even George Washington was involved in the first engagement. The American share of the Seven Years War (1756-63) is known as the French and Indian War. The War had a main influence on proceedings leading to the Revolution. One might conclude that the British role in removing the French and Native American threat to the Colonies would have permanently sealed ties amongst Britain and the grateful colonies. This did not prove to be true. The disappearance of the French into America meant that the British and Colonists no longer had a mutual enemy. The War was also very expensive. The Colonists had made a major direct monetary contribution to the war effort. The War was very expensive to the British who had begun to rely on the colonists to pay a larger share of the expensive empire, especially the costs of maintaining a strong military. Chapter 7: The Road to Revolution 1. â€Å"Evaluate the system of mercantilism. What were the benefits for Britain and for the colonies? What were the costs to Britain and to the colonies? Is the system of mercantilism sustainable or will colonies inevitably revolt? † Mercantilists believe that economic strength is founded in a balance of trade; meaning exporting more than you import. The mercantilists felt the colonies were most valuable for economic purposes only. This mindset added to why the British felt their West Indies colonies that produced sugar were most important to them. Briefly, British mercantilists viewed the American colonies as mainly an economic and monetary source, a source of money and trade to make money for the motherland. The colonies relied on England for oods and military supremacy, so both were gaining in one way or another. In a mercantilism system, the supporting country, England in this case, ultimately earns much more than the serving country, in this case the American colonies. As a result, rebellion and revolt was sure to occur because the Americans felt like they were being used and could form a better nation than Britain could ever dream of becoming. And they succeeded. Eventually the colonists grew angry because Britain received the majority of the profits and the benefits, and therefore, revolutionized against Britain. In addition, many acts and numerous laws, such as The Navigation Acts or the Stamp Act were enacted to lift up English power and control even more and colonists felt their basic rights were being taken away from them even more so. The end result was revolution. 2. â€Å"Was the American Revolution inevitable? Could America have gradually and peacefully developed independence within the British Commonwealth, as Canada later did, rather than engaging in a violent revolt? At what point in time, if any, was a violent revolt inevitable? What could the British have done to stop the Revolution? The American Revolution was not inevitable; however, it was very probable for a majority of the time Britain had abused the future nation. Tensions were high between Britain and the colonies ninety percent of the time. Conflict was imminent, but a full out revolution could have been avoided. However, it was for the best that America become independent. It put Britain in their place and decimated their ego down to France’s level. A slow peaceful agreement could have been reached, but it would be no guarantee to relieve tension between the two in the future. It may have been for the best that two split. The revolution â€Å"meter† if you will, was at its â€Å"point of inevitability† at the Boston tea party. It was the turning point on the History of the colony and the birth of a new nation. All that the British would have needed to do was to treat the colonies more fairly. They did not ask for the French and Indian war. The combination of each of these factors is what lead the colonies to revolution. â€Å"Were all the American grievances really justified, or were the British actually being more reasonable than most Americans have traditionally believed? After the Boston Tea Party, the colonists already had a disobedient attitude and no matter what England did, the colonists would have rebelled against it. As John Adams had said, â€Å"The American Revolution was in the minds of the colonists long before the fact†. One example of the colonists over-dramatizing was to the Boston Tea Act of 1773. Although this act helped the â€Å"East India Company† since they had an excess of tea, and was mainly to ensure the English economy a foot hold, and even in an indirect tax situation, the Americans rebelled against it all the same. At this point, revolution was inevitable. The colonists paid far fewer in tax on tea than England had, the Americans were looking for a fight at this point. Since the colonists were trying to protest the Boston Tea Act, they dropped â€Å"342 crates of tea into the Boston Port. The Boston Port Act was signed to get the money back that was wasted, so the port was shut down until it was paid. England wasnt being as unreasonable as many people tend to believe, however, it was too late for Britain to reconcile. 4. â€Å"What was the Revolutionary movement at its core really all about? The amount of taxation? The right of Parliament to tax? The political corruption of Britain and the virtue of America? The right of a king to govern America? The colonies’ growing sense of national identity apart from Britain? Was the Revolution truly a radical overturning of government and society—the usual definition of a revolution—or something far more limited or even â€Å"conservative† in its defense of traditional rights? † The revolutionary movement was about more than just taxation. It was about freedom. The colonists were being mistreated so they decided to do something about it and set a precedent for the rest of the world. The taxation just fueled the fire. Parliament was a major cause. The lack of representation was a great motivator. Britain wasn’t politically corrupt in their own eyes, but taxation without representation was a horrendous injustice in the eyes of Americans. They believed that the king was to blame, so then the colonies proposed a government of self-rule. Unlike anything else in the world at that time, it was a shock to Britain. This radical reaction from America was the shot heard around the world. It changed the usual definition of revolution forever. Chapter 8: America Secedes from the Empire 1. â€Å"What was radical and new in the Declaration of Independence, and what was old and traditional? What did statements like all men are created equal mean in their historical context, and what did they come to mean later? † The declaration of Independence was wildly radical for Americans and for the entire world at its conception. It proposed a self-governed nation and elected rulers. So shocking in fact, that England did not take it seriously. Self-government was radical at the time because no one had tried it before. With a little luck, America would take the high road above all other nation with their democracy. Some traditional statements in the declaration included no suffrage for women and no laws against slavery. For these to change, two wars would take place. One literal war had to be fought, and one political. If the drafters of the declaration were feeling more ambitious, then they would have included these in the declaration in the first place. However, no one knows how the nation-to-be would have reacted. In a historical context, all men are created equal reffered only to white men, it wouldn’t be for another one hundred years until this would apply to all people in the United States, and few million American lives thrown into the mix. 2. â€Å"Was military strategy or politics the key to American victory in the war? How did the two coincide? † Military strategy was a key to the American victory in the revolution. Although, the single most influential factor was motivation for the Americans. In a sense, the Americans had nothing to lose as a nation. Britain was already taxing them and punishing them ridiculously. The American logic was to just take a stab at it. If they lost, they would go back into the same routine. Paying for their misdemeanors. They were fighting for freedom, while the British were fighting out of desperation. The sheer numbers of hard fighting, hard headed Americans were no match for even the skilled British. Great Military strategy was a huge moral boost for the soldiers on the battlefield. That gave them confidence, something the British began to lose toward the end of the war. The two went hand in hand because you can’t have strategy wit hout politics. Politics is what made the decisions in the end. What went on around the round table caused everything that happened on the battlefield. 3. â€Å"Did the Loyalists deserve to be persecuted and driven out of the country? What difference does it make to understand the Revolution as a civil war between Americans as well as a war against the British? † Loyalists were persecuted during and after the revolution because they were considered traitors to the cause. It was right to persecute them because they went against what the new nation stood for. They were not killed, like in other nations’ revolutions, but simply deported. The loyalist did not wish to live in the nation either way, so leaving was not a harsh punishment in anyone’s eyes. On the other hand, however, they were still Americans; they just wanted to continue to be ruled by Britain. This is why it is important to view the war as a civil war and a war against Britain. Not all Americans wanted to live in the new country, and under the new nation’s rules had the right to say so. In one sense the war was both an internal struggle and an external one. 4. â€Å"How important were the diplomatic relations between European nations in determining the success of the American Revolution? How significant a role did the French play in securing American independence? How significant a role did the rest of Europe play? How did the American Revolution change diplomatic relations in Europe? † Without diplomatic allies, America would still be under British control. The alliance with France over whelmed the British and drove the Americans to victory. The French, still sore from the war of Austrian succession, were looking for a fight with Britain. The French influence was crucial and cannot be stressed too much. Even Spain played a role in the revolution through their geographic actions. The rest of Europe kept Britain busy fighting wars and making enemies as the Americans were fighting for their independence. After America became independent, Europe was their best friend, if you will. The strong ties with European nations would prove invaluable in the future. However, the rest of Europe did not love America as much as they disliked Britain.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Nora And Torvalds Relationship English Literature Essay

Nora And Torvalds Relationship English Literature Essay A Dolls House is a play written by the dramatist Henrik Ibsen in three acts. Throughout the play, his effective use of minor characters such as Dr. Rank, his illness, death and relationship with the main protagonist, Nora Helmer serves a symbolic purpose towards Nora and her husbands relationship. The play is set in the 19th century which makes it out to be controversial and critical of the marriage norms of the time due to the way Ibsen portrays certain characters values and morals. Ibsen critiques the cultural norms through the play and its characters by asking more questions than answering them. As A Dolls House progresses, problems associated with obligations, values and gender roles which took place in a typical upper-middle class society of the time arise. At a first glance, Torvalds best friend, Dr. Rank comes across as one of the minor characters in the play who shows to be unconcerned with what others think of him. What shows significance in Dr. Ranks character is when he is noted for his calm and stoic acceptance towards his ill-fate, of how he is incurably diseased and is dying. This characteristic of Dr. Rank also shows to be in contrast to most of the other characters in the play such as Nora and Trovald. He also is portrayed as honest and sincere. Dr. Rank comes across as an extraneous character in as he does not further into the plot as much as Nil Krogstad and Mrs. Linde. However, he may be portrayed as a symbolic figure for many messages that Ibsen wished to illustrate throughout A Dolls House regarding the social and cultural expectations of the 19th century. Firstly, Ranks character may symbolize moral corruption within society. On the other hand, because of the many sincere and humble aspects of his character, that view upon him is highly debatable. Furthermore, although Ibsens use of Rank does not meddle with the main conflict or climax, this minor character plays a role which is also symbolic towards Nora and Torvalds marriage, which is the main aspect and focus of A Dolls House. Moreover, Ibsens use of the name Rank may be a clever technique which creates irony as his name creates contradiction towards the way his character is shown in the play as none of the other characters consider him of high thought. Dr. Ranks presence in the play also creates a contrast between the way Trovald and himself treat Nora through the way he acts towards her. Dr. Rank first appears during Nora and Mrs. Lindes conversation and there is an obvious contrast between the way he treats Nora and the way Torvald treats Nora. Ranks treatment of Nora is that of an adult, whilst Torvalds is of a child. Further into the play, it can be seen how Nora feels comfortable in Ranks presence and shares insight on personal details about herself that she would think twice before sharing with Torvald. At one point in the play, she admits to Dr. Rank: Torvald is very like being with papa. (196), which shows how Nora is completely herself around Ranks company-and how Rank treats her with dignity, something that lacks in Torvalds treatment of her. This quote also contributes to the theme of honour as she does not wish to further dishonour Torvald any more than she already has, as honour is of overwhelming importance to Torvald and it is what motivates his behaviour towards Nora in the first place. Therefore, Nora does not feel comfortable enough to share the same thoughts with her husband that she is able to share with Rank. Nora also states at one point, In the early days [Torvald] used to get quite jealous if I even mentioned people Id like back at home, so of course I gave it up. But I often talk to Dr. Rank, because, you see, he likes to hear about them (184) this shows how Dr. Rank and Noras very friendly relationship with one another also allows further understanding of Nora and Torvalds marriage as it shows the distance that lies between them. Rank is also able to help Nora in understanding her self-worth, which contributes to the theme of growth and development of her as a character as he indirectly influences her future decisions on whether or not being with Torvald is the right decision to make albeit the social pressures and expectations of society she is a part of at the time. Another significant aspect of Ranks character is he is important in revealing things about other characters as the story progresses. At one point in the play, he tells Nora, Helmers too sensitive to be able to face anything ugly-I wont have him in my sick-room (191). This shows how Rank does not trust Torvald to be there, but he trusts Nora. This also shows how Rank is well aware of how Torvald reacts to certain unfortunate situations, and it shows a paradoxical shift in the role that Nora had been portrayed in with how Torvald is being portrayed at this point in the play, because Torvald is the one who is being portrayed as a child-like character. Statements like this made by Rank about Torvald also shows how Torvald may have been the sheltered one in his marriage from Nora, which contributes to the theme of deception. Dr. Ranks progressive illness may also plays of a symbolic purpose to interpret Nora and Torvalds relationship as ceasing. At the same time, Nora faces conflict with herself and in her marriage with Torvald as she is restricted from being herself. Rank tells Nora, I shall send you my card with a black cross on it and then youll know that my disgusting end has begun, (191) which shows foreshadowing towards not only the end of Dr. Ranks life, but also towards the end of Nora and Torvalds marriage. Although Dr. Rank may be portrayed as a minor character in A Dolls House, his role as his character is crucial in terms of understanding the plot. This is because the functions that Dr. Rank performs as a character allows the play to progress and develop whilst including connections with him and other factors which allow the readers a fair view on the personalities of the characters, specifically Nora and Torvald. The most significant function of Dr. Rank in the play is when he influences Nora to evolve and grow by breaking down the pressures of society that Nora is conflicted against-this is linked to one of the main themes of A Dolls House, which is growth. Dr. Rank is not only a symbolic figure for Nora and Torvalds ceasing relationship, but his illness also symbolises the corruption of society. Towards the end of the play, when he sends the letter to Nora and Torvald, it is received at the same time as Krogstads letter. This is a clever technique used by Ibsen as it shows a connection between Dr. Ranks death and Noras ceasing relationship with Torvald, because right after the letters from Dr. Rank have been read, she lets Torvald read the letter from Krogstad which foreshadows the end of their marriage. This wraps up the entire play well as Dr. Ranks death is not only symbolic for the deterioration of society, but Ibsen uses him as a strong symbolic representation for the death of Nora and Torvalds marriage. PART 1 WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT LANGUAGE A-LITERATURE HL A: Fulfilling the requirements of the reflective statement. To what extent does the student show how their understanding of cultural and contextual elements was developed through the interactive oral? NOTE: The word limit for the reflective statement is 300-400 words. If the word limit is exceeded, 1 mark will be deducted. B: Knowledge and understanding How effectively has the student used the topic and the essay to show knowledge and understanding of the chosen work? C: Appreciation of the writers choices- To what extent does the student appreciate how the writers choices of language, structure, technique and style shape meaning? D: Organization and development How effectively have the ideas been organized, and how well are the references to the works integrated into the development of the ideas? NOTE: The word limit for the essay 1200-1500 words. If the word limit is exceeded, 2 marks will be deducted. E: Language How clear, varied and accurate is the language? How appropriate is the choice of register, style and terminology? (Register refers, in this context, to the students use of elements such as vocabulary, tone, sentence structure and terminology appropriate to the task). 0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below. 0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below. 0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below. 0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below. 0 The work does not reach a standard described by the descriptors below. 1 Reflection on the interactive oral shows superficial development of the students understanding of cultural and contextual elements. 1-2 The essay shows some knowledge but little understanding of the work used for the assignment 1-2 There is some mention, but little appreciation, of the ways in which language, structure, technique and style shape meaning. 1 There is some attempt to organize ideas, but little use of examples from the works used. 1 Language is rarely clear and appropriate; there are many errors in grammar, vocabulary and sentence construction, and little sense of register and style. 2 Reflection on the interactive oral shows some development of the students understanding of cultural and contextual elements. 3-4 The essay shows knowledge and understanding of, and some insight into, the work used for the assignment. 3-4 There is adequate appreciation of the ways in which language, structure, technique and style shape meaning. 2 Ideas are superficially organized and developed, with some integrated examples from the works used. 2 Language is sometimes clear and carefully chosen; grammar construction is fairly accurate, although errors and inconsistencies are apparent; the register and style are to some extent appropriate to the task. 3 Reflection on the interactive oral shows development of the students understanding of cultural and contextual elements. 5-6 The essay shows detailed knowledge and understanding of, and perceptive insight into, the work used for the assignment. 5-6 There is excellent appreciation of the ways in which language, structure, technique and style shape meaning. 3 Ideas are adequately organized and developed, with appropriately integrated examples from the works used. 3 Language is clear and carefully chosen, with an adequate degree of accuracy in grammar, vocabulary and sentence construction despite some lapses; register and style are mostly appropriate to the task. 4 Ideas are effectively organized and developed, with well-integrated examples from the works used. 4 Language is clear and carefully chosen, with a good degree of accuracy in grammar, vocabulary and sentence construction; register and style are consistently appropriate to the task. 5 Ideas are persuasively organized and developed, with effectively integrated examples from the works used. 5 Language is very clear, effective, carefully chosen and precise, with a high degree of accuracy in grammar, vocabulary and sentence construction; register and style are effective and appropriate to the task.

Assessing Macro And Micro Environment Analysis Commerce Essay

Assessing Macro And Micro Environment Analysis Commerce Essay Downturn in national or world economies and rising of inflation which is being experienced current period, are the most common factors that can affect businesses. Conversely, what cause an adverse effect for many companies, has had a constructive effect for Dominos Pizza UK, Ireland, the most leading delievery franchise. Keeping in view the current economic situation Dominos Pizza sales had increased up to 11% in the first six week of 2008 than that of same period of last year, due to, mostly people preferred for delivery at home, instead of going for eat outs, Like-for-like sales rose 14.7% last year, despite a price rise across Dominos menu last autumn. (The Times, 20th February 2008) According to Cheif Executive, The Chris Moore, The results are proof that our price point is resilient in these economic times and that we are benefiting from the downturn in the restaurant sector. Instead of eating out three or four times a week, we are seeing real signs that [people] have cut that to once or twice. They are filling up that gap with pizza instead. (The Times, 20 February 2008) His comments came soon after the company announced plans to move up to the main market in order to obtain funds it has been unable to attract in the nine years it has spent on the Alternative Investment Market (AIM). Dominos shares have climbed 14-fold since the company floated in November 1999 and the group now has 501 sites across the UK and Ireland, with plans to open 50 more this year. Its aim is to have 1,000 by 2017. (The Times, 20th February 2008). Dominos said, sales had been enhanced, due to these new pizzas, like wise, Meateor and the rugby-themed Scrummy, and by offering new ways of ordering, like wise e-commerce salesorders taken electronically either online or through text messages, due to which sales have been intensified to 60.5%. According to Dominos prediction, the drift for ordering-in food would continue this year. At present the external environment shifting rapidly. The external environment consists of everything outside the business. Even in the present crtical economical situation, dominos continues to succeed which is due to dominos remorseless emphasis on the quality of dominos pizzas, penetrating commitment to service and by publicizing to dominos customers to whenever and wherever they are willing to order. It is their frevency that has brought profit growth of 27.8% to  £29.9m (2008:  £23.4m) and that will persists to get-up-and-go dominos business in years to come. PEST ( Political, Economic, Social and Technological) i. POLITICAL ISSUES: Political issues include regulatory frame work operating in judicial system which may distress the business in diverse ways. In UK, there isnt as such factors that might embrace dominos business. While factors like, laws on business employment, pollution and taxation apply on the organization which it should follow according to rules. ii. ECONOMIC FACTORS: If the countys economy is better so the GDP of the country will be good, it is the initiative for business as the per capita income increases people will spend more money. According to dominos survey, it came to know that mostly people spend more and visit more often, during or start in on of months. Moreover, rise in inflation rate, leads to increment of cost of raw material which also leads towards higher prices for goods and vice versa iii. SOCIAL FACTORS: Dominos is a multinational and it is basically inaugurated from America, therefore, the organization is snowed under by dominos western culture. There are different social forms of society which consists of, upper class, middle class, middle upper class, and lower class. Moreover, every single nation, state has their own cultural norms, beliefs, religion, values which might affect the organization world wide. iv. TECHNOLOGICAL FACTORS: At the present time, technology is improving, so as baking and heating ovens will be of new and efficient technology and will provide efficient service. Due to these innovative technology there are many latest ways of publicizing like wise, through internet; telemarketing through which organization can advertise their products in much more rapidly than ever before. Computer based customer data that is MIS (managing information system) helps in collecting customer data, daily transactions, future forecasting and decision making. New vehicles will make their service more efficient. SWOT Analysis: Every organization has its own strengths and weaknesses as well as threats and opportunities, As far as dominos swot is concerned its swot analysis is as under. Strengths: Currently Dominos is the market leader in providing wide range of pizzas, in a manner that there are no competitor in this sector. There admireble image has made the organization more worthfull. Moreover, Dominos is render pleasing taste, quality products with qualified staff, splendid ambience and hygienic surroundings. They are specialized in pizzas. Moreover Motivation level of staff is very high which make the organization more prosperous. They are ISO (International Standard Organization) certified. They have equipped with plenty of resources for operating different activities of the organization. They are providing free home delivery service. They have created monopoly in this sector. Another big Strength and even a Competitive Advantageis the fact that they have a full service restaurant as well as delivery services. Most of dominos competitors do not have restaurants. Because of the restaurant, Dominos can market too many different segments that other pizza chains cannot. For example, Dominos can market to families much easier than Dominos or Little Caesars. Dominos weaknesses: The fact that Dominos does have a restaurant to run is also a weakness. Dominos has higher overhead costs, due to the restaurant that other competitors dont have to deal with. Another result of higher overhead costs is higher prices Dominos must charge. Obviously, Dominos is not the low cost producer. They rely on their quality pizza and good service to account for their higher prices. They are providing less range of products comparatively with high prices. They are more focused on western taste instead of Eastern. Very few outlets have dine-in facilities The menu is limited and pricey, and there are very few budget items on the menu. Opportunities: New markets can be explored and new opportunities they can gain. Dominos can come up with the new products considering the Eastern taste of the people as like McDonalds. Diversification of new products can increase their market share. They can reduce their prices because of more dominos. Threats: Dominos number one threats are from their competitors. Currently, their closest competitor is pizza hut who is working to open their Branch rapidly. Dominos main competitive advantage over Pizza hut is their Lower price. Evaluate dominos company strategies with other different companies: Dominos has succeeded in expanding over continents and observed spectacular achievements, but in efforts to develop globally it has not been able to manage the domestic market with full efficiency and as a result, is losing grounds in the domestic market. Dominos has raised the standards of pizza industry to great heights, but in current economic situation, rising commodity prices and decrease in peoples purchasing power, it is struggling to balance between profitability and maintaining its standards. The increasing competition in the fast food industry adds to its array of challenges. A critical factor in Pizza Huts success has been a menu that has constantly evolved and expanded to cater to the changing needs and specific preferences of customers in different parts of the world. In having understood the pulse of the customers, Pizza Hut has clearly established itself as a brand with a Britain heart and Dominos need to learn that. Benchmarking: For many years as a private company, Dominos really benchmarked against itself, without looking at the outside world. We were proud of the fact that for many years we had positive same-store sales, which is a big financial indicator of growth and success in the retail world. Well, that was the good news. The bad news was that during those same years our competitors were growing at a faster rate. Dominos were actually giving up market share. At the same time, dominos were hosting internal celebrations of the fact that against our own internal matrix dominos were doing well. Dominos not only had to look at what had been our past results and reconcile how dominos were performing against that benchmark, but also dominos needed to look at the world around us, look at our competitors, and in many instances, I really wanted us to look at the very best in class. Who is out there doing the best possible job in this particular area of business? Dominos need to find out what their results are and start to hold ourselves accountable for that particular level of performance. Dominos accept mediocrity because dominos can choose a lot of people around us who are just as mediocre as dominos are. I want to find the very, very best, and I want to benchmark against them, and I want to get as good or better. I think if I lead that expectation and I get my team and my organization to embrace it, thats how dominos were going to become world-class performers. Takeaways When an organization is successful, people tend to believe that they can stop improving. But things never stay the same: either you get better, or you get worse. The minute companies become complacent and apathetic is the minute they begin to fail. To have a high-performance organization, you must foster a culture of continuous improvement. Dont accept mediocrity. Instead, look to your competitors, and benchmark yourself against them to achieve world-class performance. Organisation strategy: A businesss strategy is the pattern of decisions and actions that are taken by the business to achieve its goals. A business has a variety of goals and objectives. All businesses need to organize their business activities in order to achieve their business objectives. Running a business involves planning the current as well as future activities. Hence, in order to achieve the business objectives, all business organizations adopt different strategies. Similarly, Dominos has adopted many strategies which help achieve the targets set by the main office to the local store opened at Peshawar. Changes are the external as well as internal environment has led Dominos rethink their past strategies and has therefore designed new strategies after noticing the changes in the environment. These environmental changes are seen through the PEST and SWOT analysis. After considering all the factors Dominos has decided upon the strategies and their current strategies are divided into five main categori es and further have sub-parts. These strategies are: -Functional Strategies: These are strategies designed to improve the efficiency of a businesss operations. They often focus on an area, such as marketing, human resources etc. All business organizations adopt strategies at functional level as once the functional objectives are achieved, corporate objectives become easy. In order to make the functional strategy efficient, Dominos has made all the functional departments co-operate with each other. Effectiveness of international strategy: It reaches geographically dispersed buyers. Dominos vision is focused on Exceptional people on a mission to be the best pizza delivery company in the world! . Dominos is committed to bringing fun and excitement to the lives of dominos customers by delivering delicious pizzas to their doorstep in 30 minutes or less and all its strategies are aimed at fulfilling this commitment towards its large and ever-growing customer base. Its all advertisement are image of core competencies. They also should have a variety of combinations of menu items which a customer can choose so that both the customer and the company can have a win-win situation. The company can have the maximum of the consumer surplus at the same time the consumer might feel that this was the best offer. From the menu card one can see the family size variants and the different pizza combinations in the same one pizza are all the different ways of pricing. The company attains the maximum profit in the meat items, so they give the selection of pizzas slices of different varieties and they are clubbed together to form a single pizza. Once the customer dines / orders @ home, normally discount coupons are given to the customer so that there is an incentive for the customer to order from Dominos . Thus customers are forced to maintain loyalty towards Dominos . Sustaining, building relationships and Exploiting Changing Conditions Over the years dominos has also developed and successfully introduced a range of products especially suited. What has also given dominos a competitive edge is that in addition to an extensive range of internationally renowned pizzas like The Italian, the proprietary Pan Pizza and Stuffed Crust, in the menu offers the option of a complete meal. It includes appetizers, a Salad Bar where the customers can make their own fresh salads, a range of soups, pastas and desserts etc. Dominos should also a community called as VIP- Members joining this club should be at no extra cost one can avail greater offers. Meanwhile Dominos are not behind Pizza Hut in introducing local tradition. Dominos believes strongly in the strategy of Think global and act local. Thus, time and again Dominos Pizza has been innovating with delicious new products such as crusts, toppings suitable to the taste buds of Consumers Firm market entry strategy: Dominos Pizza was able to gain ground by positioning Pizza as a snack and supporting it with its efficient home delivery system. For Dominos direct selling and interactive selling is not needed though they are involved in internet and cable TV promotions. Dominos always search for ways to gain efficiency by replacing one communication with others. The sustainability among communication tools explains why marketing function need to be coordinated. Growth strategies: Pizza hut targeted market defines them as a family product. This is because they dont really directly market their customers. They are target everyone whereas their competitors target a certain gender or age. But pizza hut targets a wide range of customers. This is because they want to make the most money and who blames them. They have many competitors and they are bound to try everything to cope up tops. Their competitors are everywhere. There are just a few that are main competitors and pizza hut will always try to be the best and get the most money by making their products better quality but also cheaper. They try to offer something different with their product. They offer a range of stuffed crusts to try and attract customers. They also do vegetarian options with meet free pizzas and a salad and pasta bar. Not a lot of restaurants offer a salad and a pasta bar. This is another competitive idea to attract or customers. Potential development over 10 to 20 years: senior executives at Dominos are missing a key thought process about change, growth and innovation though. They didnt understand that every product, team, organization and individual goes through a process of birth, growth and decline that is similar to the shape of an elongated S.   You cant avoid this process. At the beginning of every growth curve, you make investments with little or no reward. Its only through squeezing out operational inefficiencies, gaining and or growing market share that companies recover their initial investments and grow the bottom line and pay dividends to their stakeholders. Dominos rested on the part of the S-Curve where the maximum profit are being realized without understanding that decline, death, and decreased profit arent just probable, but are inevitable. Dominos is trying to jump the curve and are at the beginning of a new S-Curve time will tell as to whether they embrace team development and leadership development, which will ultimately determine whether they  grow or die. Appropriate justified recommendation for improvement, development and international : à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Increase varieties in Pizzas. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Focus on location of the outlets. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Increase the quality of Pizzas. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Make good ambiance in outlets. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢Should focus more on marketing itself confidently. Conclusion: Dominos Pizza constantly strives to develop products that suit the tastes of its consumers and hence delighting them. Dominos believes strongly in the strategy of Think global and act local. Thus, time and again Dominos Pizza has been innovating with delicious new products such as crusts, toppings and flavours suitable to the taste buds of Consumers. Further, providing value for money at affordable products to the consumers has been Dominos motto. Initiatives such as Fun Meal and Pizza Mania have been extremely popular with consumers.