Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Castlereaghs foreign policy 1815-1822 was more successful than Cannings foreign policy 1822-1827 Essay Example
Castlereaghs foreign policy 1815 Castlereaghs foreign policy 1815-1822 was more successful than Cannings foreign policy 1822-1827 Paper Castlereaghs foreign policy 1815-1822 was more successful than Cannings foreign policy 1822-1827 Paper Essay Topic: Claim of Policy History Whilst Viscount Castlereagh and George Canning were foreign secretary, both achieved many things, some of which still exist in modern day foreign policies. They also can be seen to have failed in some areas, but to find out which of the two was the more successful, both need to be studied to enable one to make a conclusion. In 1815, Viscount Castlereagh became foreign secretary. At the time, his first and main problem would have been the problem of how to deal with France, who had recently been defeated in the Napoleonic wars. The Congress of Vienna 1815 drew up a treaty that formally ended the Napoleonic wars. This all began in 1813 when Napoleons Empire began to fall, France was invaded and Napoleon later abdicated. 1814 brought the Treaty of Paris which restored peace, reduced France to its 1792 frontiers and restored the Bourbon monarchy. It was then decided that a congress would be held in Vienna, however, all the important decisions would be made by the four great powers: England (represented by Castlereagh), Austria (Prince Metternich), Prussia (Count Hardenburg) and Russia (Tsar Alexander I). Vienna had three main aims. The first was to make sure that the French, who were primarily responsible for the wars, paid for what they had caused. Secondly, the great powers gained some compensation for what had happened in the wars. The third was to prevent further French aggression which may have threatened the peace and resulted in another war. A key issue from Vienna was trying to maintain a balance of power (maintaining no single power dominated the rest). This would ensure that all the powers remained on good terms. As Lord Acton said: All power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely. In some ways the Congress of Vienna was unsuccessful because it ignored principles such as liberalism (liberal ideas) and nationalism. However, it can be seen as mainly successful because it didnt humiliate France, which prevented further aggression (and therefore another possible outbreak of war) and, importantly for British interests, Britain gained useful possessions overseas. There is evidence for supporting the claim that Vienna was successful in there being no wars until the 1830s. For starting the period of peace in Europe and for the successful conclusion to the French wars, Castlereagh is given the credit. 815 also brought with it Castlereagh becoming part of the Quadruple Alliance. The members of the Alliance were Austria, Great Britain, Prussia and Russia. They agreed to have meetings at fixed periods and the main interest of the Alliance was to preserve the Peace of Europe. Two months before the Quadruple Alliance was formed another Alliance came into being The Holy Alliance. The members of the Holy Alliance were three monarchs; Tsar Alexander I of Russia, Francis I of Austria and Fredrick William III of Prussia. This was a reactionary alliance as all three monarchs were trying to prevent revolution in Europe and preserve autocracy. Castlereagh refused to commit Britain to the Holy Alliance because he didnt consider revolution was necessarily always a bad thing. Castlereagh once described the Holy Alliance as a piece of sublime mysticism and nonsense. There was a need for both of these alliances because the Holy Alliance was purely for preserving autocracy and the Quadruple Alliance (formed by Great Britain who was democratic as opposed to autocratic) was concerned with keeping the peace in Europe. For Castlereagh, the Quadruple Alliance was a way of upholding the Vienna settlement -it wasnt a way of interfering in European affairs. The Congress system was an attempt to maintain peace and order throughout Europe and Congresses were held to resolve disputes. The first congress was the congress of Aix-la-Chapelle 1818. It met to consider what to do about France which had paid off the 700 million franc indemnity and was settling down under Louis XVIII. It decided that the army of occupation should be removed and that France should take part in congresses, so France was admitted to what became the Quintuple Alliance. The Congress of Troppau Castlereagh refused to attend the Congress of Troppau 1820 as he knew would be a response to revolts in Spain, Portugal, Piedmont and Naples. He instead sent his half brother, Lord Stuart, as an observer. The Congress of Laibach 1821 was the same as Toppau in reference to Castlereaghs disapproval and he again sent Lord Stuart to show his disapproval. At Laibach, Austria and Russia were ready to send soldiers against Italian revolts and as Castlereagh didnt want to use the alliance to quell revolts, he refused to attend. Castlereagh is also responsible for the base of foreign policy for many years after he was foreign secretary. These principles were in his May 1820 state paper. At the time his objectives in foreign policy were to check French expansion, check Russian expansion and support Turkey, to protect British trading interests, prevent a combination of France and Russia (Britain could handle France by themselves and Russia by themselves, but a combination of the two would have been much too much for Britain to take on. ) and to maintain a balance of power in Europe. The reason Britain was so interested in Russian expansion was because Britain had to travel through Turkey to reach India. India became known as The jewel in Britains crown as it had so many resources that Britain traded as Britain had very few of its own. Russia had no access to the sea for some months as its coastline froze for part of the year. Russia wanted control of the straits between Europe and Asia, which would give her access to the Mediterranean and thus aid the growing business of grain exports. This expansion worried Britain as it was easy to travel through Turkey to reach India as Turkey was weak. With this in mind, Britain decided to support Turkey against Russia. The principles of Castlereaghs State paper of May 1820 remained from 1815 to 1865 unaltered. This can only be seen as a success on the part of Castlereagh. However in some aspects, Castlereagh can be seen to have failed. The Congress system had a tension built into it the fact that three great powers were autocratic where as Britain and only Britain was democratic, so from the very start there were going to be disagreements. Castlereagh was also poor at communicating with others and especially the public. Being able to talk to people and express reasons why you are doing certain things can be seen as a very important skill of a politician and Castlereagh didnt have this skill. Many people seem to have misunderstood him as is illustrated in a rather harsh obituary on the death of Castlereagh: The name of Castlereagh will long be connected with tyranny abroad and all that is slavish and oppressive at home. (The Scotsman Newspaper) After Castlereagh commits suicide in 1822, George Canning takes over as foreign secretary. Canning had many aims whilst he was foreign secretary. Canning was not an enthusiastic supporter of liberalism and revolution abroad, but he did believe that whenever there was a bad government, change must come. Like Castlereagh, Canning didnt approve of great powers interfering all over the world as they saw fit. Whereas Castlereagh had merely protested against the Metternich policy of intervention, Canning intended to be more decisive and actually help the revolutionaries in Greece and Portugal. However, this is what Castlereagh had been contemplating. Cannings overriding concern was to protect British interests rather than to preserve the Alliance. His policy was based on a careful, even opportunist calculation of what would best preserve peace and promote Englands prestige and prosperity. (Wendy Hinde (Cannings Biographer)) Cannings specific aims were to prevent the French from interfering in Spain, preserve the new Portuguese constitution, maintain the independence of the Spanish colonies with which Britain had developed valuable trade and help the Greeks, while at the same time making sure that the Russians didnt gain too much advantage of the situation. Canning feared that the French and Spanish might invade Portugal and may even be tempted to regain lost colonies. To prevent the French and Spanish from doing so, the British navy was sent to defend the Portuguese and their defense was successful. Plus, this course of action had restored Britains prestige. Canning, like Castlereagh had many successes through his time as foreign secretary. He achieved recognition of the south American states. In 1823 France offered Spain to restore the Bourbon monarchy (restore autocracy). This news appalled the British government as all the work of eighteenth-century British statesmen to get France out of the New World would be undone so Canning proposed that the United States and Great Britain join to warn off France and Spain from threatening to take over new republics. John Quincy Adams (Secretary of State) argued against the proposal saying: It would be more candid, as well as more dignified, to avow our principles explicitly to Russia and France, than to come in as a cockboat in the wake of the British man-of-war. Adams won over the cabinet and resident Monroe delivered what is now known as the Monroe Doctrine which declared four basic points. The United States would not interfere in the internal affairs of or the wars between European powers; the United States recognized and would not interfere with existing colonies and dependencies in the Western Hemisphere; the Western Hemisphere could not be colonized in the future and any attempt by a European power to oppress or control any nation would be viewed as a hostile act against the United States. Cannings successes continued in the development of a constitution in Portugal, the ending of the Quadruple Alliance (Canning didnt approve of it), Greek independence, South Americas independence and he gave huge emphasis on British interests. Canning was more independent and nationalistic as opposed to Castlereaghs approach. He believed in a Diplomatic free-for-all in which every country looks after their own which would eventually achieve peace. But along with his successes, Canning failed in some areas too. Canning helped, through his policies, to develop Greek independence but this in the long run weakened Turkey and strengthened Russia which was definitely not in Britains interests. South American republics were not Cannings idea; he merely carried out what Castlereagh had started. Castlereagh had also set up a period of peace which Canning ended. This can also be said for South Americas independence as it said to have been Castlereagh to have started off this process. In conclusion I think that Castlereaghs foreign policy between 1815 and 1822 was more successful than Cannings foreign policy of 1822 to 1827 for a number of reasons. Castlereagh laid down principles whereas Canning appears to have simply carried out policies and made things worse by leaving Turkey weak and Russia strong. Castlereaghs policies were misunderstood whereas Caning took the time to explain to the public what he was trying to achieve. This gained him public support and popularity but appears to have cleverly turned everything into a publicity campaign, which from some peoples point of view may make him appear to be less serious and less of a politician. T may have made him look like he took the job less seriously than he should have and that he was more interested in public support than what he actually achieved, which is the opposite of the impression one gets of Castlereagh. A quote that supports this argument is: There was no fundamental change of policy when Canning took over in 1822. Canning merely accelerated existing trends
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Sizing the ComboBox Drop Down Width
Sizing the ComboBox Drop Down Width The TComboBox component combines an edit box with a scrollable pick list. Users can select an item from the list or type directly into the edit box. Drop Down List When a combo box is in dropped down state Windows draws a list box type of control to display combo box items for selection. The DropDownCount property specifies the maximum number of items displayed in the drop-down list. The width of the drop-down list would, by default, equal the width of the combo box. When the length (of a string) of items exceeds the width of the combobox, the items are displayed as cut-off! TComboBox does not provide a way to set the width of its drop-down list :( Fixing The ComboBox Drop-Down List Width We can set the width of the drop-down list by sending a special Windows message to the combo box. The message is CB_SETDROPPEDWIDTH and sends the minimum allowable width, in pixels, of the list box of a combo box. To hardcode the size of the drop-down list to, lets say, 200 pixels, you could do: SendMessage(theComboBox.Handle, CB_SETDROPPEDWIDTH, 200, 0); This is only ok if you are sure all your theComboBox.Items are not longer than 200 px (when drawn). To ensure we always have the drop-down list display enough wide, we can calculate the required width. Heres a function to get the required width of the drop-down list and set it: procedure ComboBox_AutoWidth(const theComboBox: TCombobox); const HORIZONTAL_PADDING 4; var itemsFullWidth: integer; idx: integer; itemWidth: integer; begin itemsFullWidth : 0; // get the max needed with of the items in dropdown state for idx : 0 to -1 theComboBox.Items.Count do begin itemWidth : theComboBox.Canvas.TextWidth(theComboBox.Items[idx]); Inc(itemWidth, 2 * HORIZONTAL_PADDING); if (itemWidth itemsFullWidth) then itemsFullWidth : itemWidth; end; // set the width of drop down if needed if (itemsFullWidth theComboBox.Width) then begin //check if there would be a scroll bar if theComboBox.DropDownCount theComboBox.Items.Count then itemsFullWidth : itemsFullWidth GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL); SendMessage(theComboBox.Handle, CB_SETDROPPEDWIDTH, itemsFullWidth, 0); end; end; The width of the longest string is used for the width of the drop-down list. When to call ComboBox_AutoWidth?If you pre-fill the list of items (at design time or when creating the form) you can call the ComboBox_AutoWidth procedure inside the forms OnCreate event handler. If you dynamically change the list of combo box items, you can call the ComboBox_AutoWidth procedure inside the OnDropDown event handler - occurs when the user opens the drop-down list. A TestFor a test, we have 3 combo boxes on a form. All have items with their text more wide than the actual combo box width. The third combo box is placed near the right edge of the forms border. The Items property, for this example, is pre-filled - we call our ComboBox_AutoWidth in the OnCreate event handler for the form: //Forms OnCreate procedure TForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin ComboBox_AutoWidth(ComboBox2); ComboBox_AutoWidth(ComboBox3); end; Weve not called ComboBox_AutoWidth for Combobox1 to see the difference! Note that, when run, the drop-down list for Combobox2 will be wider than Combobox2. The Entire Drop-Down List Is Cut Off For Near Right Edge Placement For Combobox3, the one placed near the right edge, the drop-down list is cut off. Sending the CB_SETDROPPEDWIDTH will always extend the drop-down list box to the right. When your combobox is near the right edge, extending the list box more to the right would result in the display of the list box being cut off. We need to somehow extend the list box to the left when this is the case, not to the right! The CB_SETDROPPEDWIDTH has no way of specifying to what direction (left or right) to extend the list box. Solution: WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX Just when the drop-down list is to be displayed Windows sends the WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX message to the parent window of a list box - to our combo box. Being able to handle the WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX for the near-right-edge combobox would solve the problem. The Almighty WindowProcEach VCL control exposes the WindowProc property - the procedure that responds to messages sent to the control. We can use the WindowProc property to temporarily replace or subclass the window procedure of the control. Heres our modified WindowProc for Combobox3 (the one near the right edge): //modified ComboBox3 WindowProc procedure TForm.ComboBox3WindowProc(var Message: TMessage); var cr, lbr: TRect; begin //drawing the list box with combobox items if Message.Msg WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX then begin GetWindowRect(ComboBox3.Handle, cr); //list box rectangle GetWindowRect(Message.LParam, lbr); //move it to left to match right border if cr.Right lbr.Right then MoveWindow(Message.LParam, lbr.Left-(lbr.Right-clbr.Right), lbr.Top, lbr.Right-lbr.Left, lbr.Bottom-lbr.Top, True); end else ComboBox3WindowProcORIGINAL(Message); end; If the message our combo box receives is WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX we get its windows rectangle, we also get the rectangle of the list box to be displayed (GetWindowRect). If it appears that the list box would appear more to the right - we move it to the left so that combo box and list box right border is the same. As easy as that :) If the message is not WM_CTLCOLORLISTBOX we simply call the original message handling procedure for the combo box (ComboBox3WindowProcORIGINAL). Finally, all this can work if we have set it correctly (in the OnCreate event handler for the form): //Forms OnCreate procedure TForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin ComboBox_AutoWidth(ComboBox2); ComboBox_AutoWidth(ComboBox3); //attach modified/custom WindowProc for ComboBox3 ComboBox3WindowProcORIGINAL : ComboBox3.WindowProc; ComboBox3.WindowProc : ComboBox3WindowProc; end; Where in the forms declaration we have (entire): type TForm class(TForm) ComboBox1: TComboBox; ComboBox2: TComboBox; ComboBox3: TComboBox; procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private ComboBox3WindowProcORIGINAL : TWndMethod; procedure ComboBox3WindowProc(var Message: TMessage); public { Public declarations } end; And thats it. All handled :)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Plan for Establishing a Career Development Function HRD 420 Research Paper
Plan for Establishing a Career Development Function HRD 420 - Research Paper Example In this discussion, I will provide comprehensive information concerning my plans for the development of career function in the Transliners Company. I am a Human Resource Manager at a Company known as the Transliners; it is a transport Company that offers the Public local transportation services by use of Buses and Cars that are hired. The Company also transports luggage and other goods; I have conducted substantial research and found out that the transportation business is a very crucial and sensitive sector that requires personnel with properly developed careers. This will be the first step I will take in the development of the careers of the employees at the Transliners Company. It shall involve identification of the available capacities, knowledge and skills that are currently possessed by the employees (Rouda 2008). This assessment shall be undertaken through different five imperative steps involving: Conducting a gap analysis study which will provide data on available and lacking pertinent career development aspects. The second stage under needs assessment will be identification of the Companyââ¬â¢s interests as well as the priority and the need for career development among the employees. Consequently, the third step will encompass identification of the possible employee performance challenges that may arise due to poor career planning. This step shall be followed by, undertaking a comparison by finding out future challenges that may occur among the employees if the career development function is not conducted. Finally, I will communi cate my findings to the top managers on the importance of a proper career development function in the Company. This shall involve the identification and evaluation of new ideologies, skills, experiences and knowledge that various employees possess and those that they would like to acquire. The objective of formulating the goals shall be driven by several questions such as:
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
War and Genocide against the Jews in Europe Essay
War and Genocide against the Jews in Europe - Essay Example Anti-Semitism has been one of the most important reasons behind the genocide conducted against the European Jews during the World War II. The development of the World War inspired the Germans to have control over the entire territory captured by them; due to this factor, they initiated rapid military movements in the German-occupied areas. Genocide is regarded as an unethical and barbarian activity by the entire world but there was little effort made by different countries to stop the genocide carried out by the German military forces. The European Jews were completely isolated from the rest part of the world during the progress of the World War II. The Germans got extra mileage to carry out the entire Holocaust because they did not experience any obstacles from the best part of the world. After detailed analysis, some historians such as Arnold Toynbee has been able to conclude that most parts of the world did not have any respect towards the Jews community because of their personal beliefs. The Christians believed that the Romans had killed Lord Jesus Christ and the Jews community supported the actions of the Romans (Crowe 17). Genocide against the Jews recorded mass killings of 5-6 million people in Europe because of the lack of interference of other communities. ââ¬Å"It is significant that early Christians blamed the Jews for the crucifixion, which was actually practiced by the Romans during the period. The beliefs of the Christians have been supported by stating that the Jews mobs demanded Jesusââ¬â¢ death under the power of Roman governor Pontius Pilateâ⬠(Bergen 161). It has been observed that the convictions against the Jews society were not accurate but there are very few evidence in favor of them. The genocide of Europe was conducted by the German military forces under the leadership of Adolf Hitler and the Christian society isolated the Jews and left them to suffer under the brutal tortures of the Nazis.
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Epistemology Reason Essay Example for Free
Epistemology Reason Essay Is it true to say that there is no truth? The very concept itself is contradictory, but is still a topic worth exploring. If a person were to simply go about their life believing everything they ever heard or experienced to be true, they could be deceived without their own knowledge. Say they overheard someone talking about Sam Houston when they stated, ââ¬Å" and then Sam Houston claimed her land. â⬠Rightfully, without any other knowledge but their heard facts, the listener would assume ââ¬Å"Sam Houstonâ⬠to be a ââ¬Å"Samanthaâ⬠due to the possessive pronoun ââ¬Å"her. â⬠However, what the listener did not hear was the full sentence in which ââ¬Å"Eliza surrendered and then Sam Houston claimed her land. â⬠By basing their belief off of their senses of hearing, the listener was unable to acknowledge the truth behind the pronoun ââ¬Å"her. â⬠Similarly, in the case of epistemology, truth should not be simply based off of senses, or feelings, but off of sound reasoning. However, sometimes senses can be useful in arriving at a proven truth. The rationalist response to the view of Epistemology states that ââ¬Å"all knowledge ultimately comes through reasonâ⬠(Cowan/Spiegel, 52). This view claims that knowledge is proven true through deducing what is true from possible truths, as opposed to using the senses. As Descartes reasoned, truth can be acquired if every belief is tested to be false. Then, if it is proven that something cannot be false, it is therefore true. By taking a Biblical rationalist response to the view of Epistemology and using faith, Christians are able to acquire sound surety in their faith and view on what is true. Logic points to the rationalist response over all other views of epistemology. For example, the skeptical response states that truth is unattainable and we have no knowledge. However, if this view is to be believed, then it disproves its own claim by showing that there is truth in believing there is no truth. Skeptics put forth absurd hypotheses that cannot be proven false, but at the same time have no way of being shown true. For example, The Matrix, or Descartesââ¬â¢ belief in an ââ¬Å"evil geniusâ⬠who could potentially be controlling every aspect of life and humans have no way of proving this false. Summarily, the skeptic believes that there ultimately is no knowledge. This view largely contradicts Christianity because the Bible continually states from Genesis 3:5 ââ¬Å"For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evilâ⬠to Revelation 3:15 ââ¬Å"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other! â⬠that knowledge does indeed exist. Therefore, if Christians believe in the scriptures, they also must believe that knowledge does exist. Another view that can be proven to be false is the empiricist response, which states that ââ¬Å"all knowledge arises from experienceâ⬠(Cowan/Spiegel, 54). This is the view is based largely off of feelings, sensations, and the experiences people learn from them. However, as exemplified in the introduction, sometimes senses fail. Anesthetics, holograms, sleep deprivation, noise recordings, candles and so many other factors can easily misguide senses. Proverbs 23:33 states, ââ¬Å"Your eyes will see strange sights, and your mind will imagine confusing things. â⬠This verse shows that the mind doesnââ¬â¢t always perceive what is being seen correctly. On the other hand, many people in the Bible were guided by their senses in visions, miracles, angels, and other events. Many times the Bible describes foolish people as being senseless (Psalm 92:6, Ecclesiastes 10:3, Jeremiah 5:21) but the senses can be swayed by the devil. 2 Timothy 2:26 says ââ¬Å"and that they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will. â⬠So while senses can be used by God, they can also be used by the devil and ultimately should not be the deciding factor in determining what is true. People ought to not always rely on senses, but rather they should rely on the reasoning behind the senses and testing them to be false to determine what is ultimately true. As Galileo alleged, ââ¬Å"Where the senses fail us, reason must step in. â⬠A Biblical rationalist response is the most logical response to take while trying to understand epistemology largely because it deduces all false options and true knowledge is only acquired through seeking God. By using Descartes method of proving false beliefs false to find what is true, rational thinking deduces what is true. Proverbs 1:7 says ââ¬Å"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge. â⬠Christians are only able to start to be able to attain knowledge when they start to reason and grasp how great God truly is. Only when peopleââ¬â¢s thoughts are in the correct perspective can they begin to reason properly. Through awe, Christians are able to truly contain a proper fear through respect for God, and with that in turn, truly begin to know.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Pigman :: essays research papers
The Pigman à à à à à The topic I chose to write about is lonely. Many characters in The Pigman are lonely. Some of the characters in the story that are lonely are John, Loraine, Mr.Pignati, and Bobo. My definition of lonely is to be by ones self. Another definition of lonely is being forgotten, left alone. An example of lonely is ââ¬Å"The boy was left alone in the park.â⬠à à à à à In the story, the most lonely character was Mr.Pignati. He was lonely because he had no children and his wife recently passed away. Mr.Pignati always went to the zoo. The reason he went to the zoo was to see his best friend, a baboon named Bobo. Bobo was lonely to. à à à à à Loraine was lonely at times to. She was lonely when she first moved there. No one would talk to her and she started to get upset because of this. Then one day John had to sit next to her on the bus and he started laughing. Loraine told him to shut up and this is when they became friends. They started the L&J fund together and this is how they met Mr.Pignati. à à à à à At one time they took the other baboon out of his cage. He got so lonesome one week he wouldnââ¬â¢t eat. Bobo got very sick. Mr.pignati would always visit him to make sure he was getting better. Loraine and John would also go with Mr.Pignati to visit Bobo. Bobo got pneumonia and died. à à à à à They started out not very trusting Mr.Pignati, but then they found out he wasnââ¬â¢t such a bad guy. They started to visit him more often and became good friends with him. They went shopping and to the zoo and played memory games with each other. They went roller balding together and Mr.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Term Democracy
Democracy is by far the most challenging form of government ââ¬â both for politicians and for the people. The term democracy comes from the Greek language and means ââ¬Å"rule by the (simple) peopleâ⬠. Is it a democracy we are living in. Since the coalition government has taken up the charge , itââ¬â¢s more of a secular dictatorship rather than a democracy. After 50 years of Independence what we have achieved seriously. Every time the elections come we talk of the same issues.We are still stuck up with the issue of reservation rather than concentrating on improving the primary education. Some things like freedom of thought and expression are taken for granted because we donââ¬â¢t even have the freedom to express. Recently issue of blogging came into news. Is it worthwhile. It is the fast and most effective way of reaching information reaching all over the world and it is most apt way of expressing oneââ¬â¢s views about any topic. It is the voice of a common man.If we are not able to express, how weââ¬â¢ll bring about a change. Recently the Mumbai blasts took a toll of hundreds of people and blogging was the most effective way but then it was banned. Itââ¬â¢s not that democracy has proved to be a total failure. Software boom has come which has given India a different image altogether. Now whether itââ¬â¢s an automobile industry, airline industry, beverages industry- all are doing well. After the financial reforms came and globalization and privatization has crept in, it has changed the overall scenario.Now we can talk of really good projects such as Golden Quadrilateral, but since the government has changed , all this is a talk of past. We were lucky to have a prime minister like Atal Bihari Vajpayee under whose leadership, India has seen some positive changes. India has always been seen as a soft country who is not capable of doing anything especially in terms of Kashmir Issue which has not been solved yet. But now it is time to take a tough stand. Leader is one who is powerful in himself and who is able to take his own decision.But if ministers like Manmohan Singh is there to protect our country under the leadership of Ms. Sonia Gandhi, then India is surely moving towards the wrong path. In my opinion, the democracy system as practiced in India has not delivered what was expected of it. Sure, there had indeed been certain things that were taken for granted in India like freedom of thought and expression, but what have we acheived by them?. The freedom of expression has given us freedom to express but has it given any chance to change what is wrong?.No, the system has seen to it that, though there are laws, nothing can be effected. Democracy as a system needs a high level of participation from the people, but had we given it to them? Why has it not happened in India?. Are we as people to be blamed for this state? Are we Indian's been practicing this Democracy well before the concept took shape with its current name in the west? There are many referrences in earlier Tamil Literature about the way the adminisatrator is elected in villages of the ââ¬Å"Sanghamâ⬠period.Then when did we slid down the path?. Why do we behave like people who doesnt know that to claim a right, the corresponding Duty has to be performed? How many of us complained about an erring Policeman to his seniors? Can we then complain about corruption? Conclusion: In my point of view democracy is both boon and bane. when considered from the view of the people democracy is boon as they have freedom or recognition for the speech. so democracy is boon from people's view and bane from government's view. Term Democracy Definition:Democracy is by far the most challenging form of government ââ¬â both for politicians and for the people. The term democracy comes from the Greek language and means ââ¬Å"rule by the (simple) peopleâ⬠.Is it a democracy we are living in. Since the coalition government has taken up the charge , itââ¬â¢s more of a secular dictatorship rather than a democracy. After 50 years of Independence what we have achieved seriously. Every time the elections come we talk of the same issues. We are still stuck up with the issue of reservation rather than concentrating on improving the primary education.Some things like freedom of thought and expression are taken for granted because we donââ¬â¢t even have the freedom to express. Recently issue of blogging came into news. Is it worthwhile. It is the fast and most effective way of reaching information reaching all over the world and it is most apt way of expressing oneââ¬â¢s views about any topic.It is the voice of a commo n man. If we are not able to express, how weââ¬â¢ll bring about a change. Recently the Mumbai blasts took a toll of hundreds of people and blogging was the most effective way but then it was banned. Itââ¬â¢s not that democracy has proved to be a total failure. Software boom has come which has given India a different image altogether. Now whether itââ¬â¢s an automobile industry, airline industry, beverages industry- all are doing well. After the financial reforms came and globalization and privatization has crept in, it has changed the overall scenario.Now we can talk of really good projects such as Golden Quadrilateral, but since the government has changed , all this is a talk of past. We were lucky to have a prime minister like Atal Bihari Vajpayee under whose leadership, India has seen some positive changes. India has always been seen as a soft country who is not capable of doing anything especially in terms of Kashmir Issue which has not been solved yet. But now it is ti me to take a tough stand. Leader is one who is powerful in himself and who is able to take his own decision. But if ministers like Manmohan Singh is there to protect ourà country under the leadership of Ms. Sonia Gandhi, then India is surely moving towards the wrong path.In my opinion, the democracy system as practiced in India has not delivered what was expected of it. Sure, there had indeed been certain things that were taken for granted in India like freedom of thought and expression, but what have we acheived by them?. The freedom of expression has given us freedom to express but has it given any chance to change what is wrong?. No, the system has seen to it that, though there are laws, nothing can be effected. Democracy as a system needs a high level of participation from the people, but had we given it to them? Why has it not happened in India?Are we as people to be blamed for this state? Are we Indian's been practicing this Democracy well before the concept took shape with its current name in the west? There are many referrences in earlier Tamil Literature about the way the adminisatrator is elected in villages of the ââ¬Å"Sanghamâ⬠period. Then when did we slid down the path?. Why do we behave like people who doesnt know that to claim a right, the corresponding Duty has to be performed? How many of us complained about an erring Policeman to his seniors?Can we then complain about corruption?Conclusion:In my point of view democracy is both boon and bane.when considered from the view of the people democracy is boon as they have freedom or recognition for the speech.so democracy is boon from people's view and bane from government's view.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
3-Dimensional Carbon Nanotube for Li-Ion Battery Anode
3 Dimensional Carbon Nanotube for Li-Ion Battery Anode (Journal of Power Sources 219 (2012) 364-370) Chiwon Kang1â⬠¡, Indranil Lahiri1â⬠¡, Rangasamy Baskaran2, Won-Gi Kim2, Yang-Kook Sun2, Wonbong Choi1, 3* Nanomaterials and Device Laboratory, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Florida International University; 10555 West Flagler Street, Miami, FL 33174, USA 2Department of Energy Engineering, Hanyang University; 17 Haengdang-dong, Seongdong-gu, Seoul 133-791, Korea 3Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of North Texas; North Texas Discovery Park 3940 North Elm St. Suite E-132, Denton, TX 76207, USACorresponding Author *Email: [emailà protected] edu Author Contributions â⬠¡These authors contributed equally. Abstract Carbon nanotubes, in different forms and architectures, have demonstrated good promise as electrode material for Li-ion batteries, owing to large surface area, shorter Li-conduction distance and high electrical conductiv ity. However, practical application of such Li-ion batteries demands higher volumetric capacity, which is otherwise low for most nanomaterials, used as electrodes.In order to address this urgent issue, we have developed a novel 3-dimensional (3D) anode, based on multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), for Li-ion batteries. The unique 3D design of the electrode allowed much higher solid loading of active anode material, MWCNTs in this case and resulted in more amount of Li+ ion intake in comparison to those of conventional 2D Cu current collector. Though one such 3D anode was demonstrated to offer 50% higher capacity, compared to its 2D counterpart, its ability to deliver much higher capacity, by geometrical modification, is presented.Furthermore, deposition of amorphous Si (a-Si) layer on the 3D electrode (a-Si/MWCNTs hybrid structure) offered enhancement in electrochemical response. Correlation between electrochemical performances and structural properties of the 3D anodes highlights the possible charge transfer mechanism. Graphical abstract Keywords Li-ion batteries, carbon nanotubes, 3D Cu current collector, anode materials, amorphous Si, a-Si/MWCNTs composite 1. IntroductionLi-ion batteries (LIB) has been widely used as one of the most important energy storage devices in diverse applications such as green electric vehicles (EV), portable electronics and power tools, since it is commercialized by Sony in 1991 [1]. The commercial cell is assembled by carbonaceous anode, separator and a Li containing layered structure cathode (e. g. LiCoO2). In terms of carbonaceous anodes, graphite and soft or poorly ordered carbons (e. g. mesocarbon microbeads or spherical graphite, microcarbon fiber) have been employed.The reasons behind their commercial prominence contain the relatively low cost of carbon, the excellent mechanical sustainability for lithium insertion and desertion (having minimum volume change ) and their formation of a protective surface film with many elec trolytes [2-4]. Nevertheless, fully intercalated highly crystalline graphites have relatively lower specific capacity (372 mAhg-1, the stoichiometric formulae of LiC6) and cannot meet the demands of next generation LIB with respect to high specific capacity and volumetric capacity. To address these issues, other elemental compounds have been explored such as Al, Si, Ge and Sn [5].Among those elements, Si is known to have highest theoretical specific capacity (4,200 mAhg-1), however huge volume expansion/contraction (300ââ¬â400%) during lithiation/delithiation brings about pulverization, resulting in capacity fading in a high number of cycles. To overcome such inherit limitations of bulk electrode materials, worldwide research groups have intensively focused on novel and suitable nanomaterials such as silicon nanotubes [6], silicon nanowires [7], nano sized transitional metal oxides [8-10], graphene [11] and carbon nanotubes 12-14]. Out of the many nanomaterials available, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have attracted great attention for anode materials due to their high surface area, short diffusion length of Li+ ions and high electrical conductivity [15]. Past researches including from our group have demonstrated outstanding performance of MWCNT based binder-free anodes in terms of high specific capacity, excellent rate capability and extremely or nil capacity degradation during long cycle operation [16-17].However, carbon nano materials are known as low-density materials, which results in low volumetric capacity and low volumetric energy/power density. Therefore higher solid loading of MWCNTs as active materials is one of the most significant issues to be realized in practice. Very recently, it argued that nanotube based active materials have a critical shortcoming in terms of their very low weight per unit electrode area [18].Thus, their gravimetric energy density may not give a realistic picture to commercial application. The critical limitation may lead to s cale-up issues for their potential application in the development of EV. To counter this issue, we propose a new geometry of 3D Cu current collectors, which can play a crucial role in creating higher surface area to accommodate more solid loading of MWCNTs on the uniformly arrayed patterns in the 3D structure, leading to higher specific capacity and C-rate capability.Until now, efforts have been dedicated to employ a number of 3D structured current collectors including carbon papers [19], a self-assembled 3D bicontinuous nanoarchitecture [20], aluminum nanorods [21], and nanoporous nickel [22]. The previous research proved that a self-assembled 3D bicontinuous nanoarchitecture could be one of the ideal electrode architectures in order to realize not only high volume fraction of nanostructured electrolytically active materials (NiOOH/Nickel and MnO2 cathodes) but also their efficient ion and electron transport [20].In addition, ALD coated TiO2 anodes on 3D aluminum nanorod current co llectors showed the 10 times increase in their theoretical area and total capacity (0. 0112 mAhcm-2), compared to those resulted from the same anodes on 2D flat aluminum plate and high rate capability (the capacity ratios at 10 C/0. 5 C and 20 C/0. 5 C of the 3D anode were 0. 4 and 0. 35, respectively. ) [21]. Currently, the diverse types of hybrid anode structures have been designed and synthesized in order to expect the synergetic combination of two different types of nanomaterials for the igher electrochemical performances. As one of the most preferable combinations, MWCNTs/Si hybrid structure can be chosen due to the better mechanical accommodation of MWCNTs of the large volume expansion/constriction of Si during lithiation/delithiation process and the higher bonding strength between MWCNTs and Si. There were some selected reports on MWCNTs/Si composite structures, employing either SiH4 CVD method [23] or sputter deposition [24]. In this study, we present a novel concept 3D anod e system, comprising of MWCNTs directly grown on 3D Cu mesh using catalytic thermal CVD method [25].Electrochemical performances of this 3D anode structure are compared with those of MWCNTs directly grown on 2D Cu foil. Furthermore, enhanced electrochemical properties of a-Si/MWCNTs hybrid structure, synthesized on 3D Cu mesh using a two step process of CVD and sputtering deposition, are presented. Morphology and structure of as-grown MWCNTs and a-Si/MWCNTs hybrid anode structures and their role in the electrochemical performance are discussed. 2. Experimental A Cu mesh (TWP Inc. with average dimensions of 50 à µm thickness and 65 à µm hole size was prepared. In parallel, a 50 à µm thick pure Cu foil (Nimrod Hall Copper, 99. 9% purity) was also employed. Both types of samples were used as substrates for depositing Ti (underlayer)/Ni (catalyst) thin film through a RF and DC magnetron sputtering system. These Ti/Ni thin film deposited samples were cut to 14 mm diameter disc shape f or 2032 button cell assembly, before inserting into a thermal CVD system for direct MWCNT growth.During CVD, samples were heated very rapidly, under an inert Ar gas environment, to the growth temperature of 750à °C, and MWCNT growth began with flow of a mixture of ethylene (C2H4) and hydrogen (H2) gas (1:2 volume ratio) in the chamber. After 50 minutes of growth, the samples were cooled to room temperature within the furnace under an Ar gas envelope. Amorphous Si (a-Si) was deposited further on the as-grown MWCNT samples using the sputtering system with the incorporation of Ti adhesion layer in order to enhance bonding strength between a-Si and MWCNTs.Weights of samples were measured before and after CVD growth to exactly identify weights of the active materials (i. e. MWCNTs and a-Si thin layer). Morphology and structural properties of the prepared anode structures were carefully investigated using field emission scanning electron microscopes (FESEM) (JEOL, JSM-7000F), an energy d ispersive spectroscope (EDS) (Thermo Electron Corporation, NORAN System SIX), a Raman spectrometer (Ar+ laser with ? = 514 nm, 33 mW power) and a field emission transmission electron microscope (FETEM) (FEI, TECHNAI F20).Electrochemical performance for these anodic materials was conducted in a typical coin cell (half cell). The cells were assembled in a CR2032 press. The complete cell assembly was carried out in an argon glovebox under extremely low levels of oxygen and humidity (both individually
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Confusing Passed with Past
Confusing Passed with Past Confusing Passed with Past Confusing Passed with Past By Maeve Maddox Reader Peggy Lanahan asks Is it correct to say, ââ¬Å"how does the food always get passed the bib? or past the bibâ⬠? The frequent confusion between the words passed and past is understandable. They are pronounced alike and have similar meanings. Careful writers need to find some trick for remembering the difference. Both words derive from the same Latin noun: passus step, pace. From that noun came a Vulgar Latin verb passare to step or to walk. English took the word from Old French passer. The form passed is the past participle of the verb to pass. Pass can be used transitively: I passed the church on my way to the store. or intransitively: He passed through life without a care. Intransitive pass is also used as a euphemism for die, as in When did your father pass? The word past can be used as an adjective: Dont hold grudges for past offenses. as an adverb: I thought he would stop, but he just ran past. and as a preposition: How does the food always get past the bib? For more on Past vs Passed, read this post by Ali. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:English Grammar 101: All You Need to Know40 Synonyms for ââ¬Å"Lieâ⬠12 Misunderstood and Misquoted Shakespearean Expressions
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
NOWAK - Surname Meaning and Origin
NOWAK - Surname Meaning and Origin The Polish surname Nowak means new guy in town, from the Polish root nowy (Czech novà ½), meaning new. The Nowak surname was also occasionally bestowed on one who converted to Christianity (a new man). Nowak is the most common surname in Poland, and is also very common in other Slavic countries, especially the Czech Republic, where Novk tops the list of most common surnames. Novak is also the most common surname in Slovenia, and the sixth most commonà surname in Croatia. Nowak was also sometimes Anglicized as Novak, so it can be difficult to count solely on spelling to determine the surnames origins. Surname Origin:à Polish Alternate Surname Spellings: NOVAK, NOWIK, NOVIK, NOVACEK, NOVKOVIC, NOWACZYK à Similar toà NOWAKOWSKI Where do People with the Surname NOWAK Live? According to WorldNames publicprofiler, individuals with the Nowak last name are found in the greatest numbers in Poland, followed by Germany and Austria. The greatest concentration of individuals with the Nowak surname are found in south and central Poland, especially the voivodeships (provinces)à of Wielkopolskie, Swietokrzyskie, Malopolskie, Slaskie and Lubuskie.à The Polish-specific surname distribution map onà moikrewni.pl calculates the population distribution of surnames down to the district level, identifying over 205,000 people with the Nowak surname living in Poland, with the majority found in PoznaÃ
â, followed byà Krakà ³w, Warszawa,à Ã
à ³dÃ
º,Ã WrocÃ
âaw, Sosnowiec,à BÃâ¢dzin and Katowice.à The Novak surname is found in the greatest density in Slovenia, according to Forebears, followed by the Czech Republic, Croatia and Slovakia. It is also about twice as common in the United States as compared to Nowak. Famous People with the Surname NOWAK or NOVAK Bob Novak - Americanà TV talk show personalityKim Novak - American film actressJan Nowak-JezioraÃ
âski - Polish journalist and WWII hero (he added Nowak as a noms de guerre)Lisa Marie Nowak - former American astronaut Genealogy Resources for the Surname NOWAK Nowak Family Genealogy ForumSearch this popular genealogy forum for the Nowak surname to find others who might be researching your ancestors, or post your own Nowak surname query. FamilySearch - NOWAK GenealogyAccess over 840,000 free historical records and lineage-linked family trees posted for the Nowak surname and its variations on this free genealogy website hosted by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. DistantCousin.com - NOWAK Genealogy Family HistoryExplore free databases and genealogy links for the last name Nowak. NOWAK Surname Family Mailing ListRootsWeb hosts a free mailing list for researchers of the Nowak surname. They also have one for Novak. Browse or search the archive, or subscribe to submit your own Nowak or Novak query. The Nowak Genealogy and Family Tree PageBrowse genealogy records and links to genealogical and historical records for individuals with the Polish surname Nowak from the website of Genealogy Today. Polish Genealogy Databases OnlineSearch for information on Nowak ancestors in this collection of Polish genealogy databases and indexes from Poland, the United States and other countries. Looking for the meaning of a given name? Check out First Name Meanings Cant find your last name listed? Suggest a surname to be added to the Glossary of Surname Meanings Origins. - References: Surname Meanings Origins Cottle, Basil. Penguin Dictionary of Surnames. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1967. Menk, Lars. A Dictionary of German Jewish Surnames. Bergenfield, NJ: Avotaynu, 2005. Beider, Alexander. A Dictionary of Jewish Surnames from Galicia.Ã Bergenfield, NJ:Ã Avotaynu, 2004. Hanks, Patrick and Flavia Hodges. A Dictionary of Surnames. New York: Oxford University Press, 1989. Hanks, Patrick. Dictionary of American Family Names. New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. Hoffman, William F. Polish Surnames: Origins and Meanings.Ã Chicago:Ã Polish Genealogical Society, 1993. Rymut, Kazimierz. Nazwiska Polakow.Ã Wroclaw: Zaklad Narodowy im. Ossolinskich - Wydawnictwo, 1991. Smith, Elsdon C. American Surnames. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997. Back to Glossary of Surname Meanings Origins
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Leadership Development Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words
Leadership Development - Assignment Example From this discussion it is clear thatà the Command and Control Methodology which defines the public safety leadership is no longer viable. Such obedience often fostered insubordination and passivity and did not promote creativity. Command and control management style often hampered the full implementation of community policing. The paramilitary approach that was emphasized in the command and control methodology also neglects the distinction between police and soldier developments. Law enforcement departments now emphasize on strategic management and accountability. It helps in periodically assessing how the police agencies can achieve their goals.As the study highlights an effective public safety leader has high standards for safe behavior that are consistently demonstrated while advocating safety. The best leaders make sure that their decisions reflect safety their communications are clear on safety, and that they consistently observe & coach others on the safety standards. They a re approachable and open to inputs. An effective public safety leader always demonstrate ethical conduct and honesty in addition to maintaining responsibility of the trust and confidence of the public, the regulator, corporation, employees, shareholders and community. They are transparent and self critical. Technical capabilities are crucial for every public safety leaders as they are involved in daily technical decisions that have immediate and long term implication. Ã
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